rtag pa

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1) eternity, permanence, perpetuity, duration; permanent phenomena, 2) permanent; eternal, lasting, forever, ever-; always; perpetual, constant [RY]

1) Rgyu rkyen gyis ma bskyed cing 'pho 'gyur med pa, nam mkha' lta bu'o; 2) Mnyam nyid,...2. Brtan pa dang, 'gyur ba med pa, rgyun du mi nyams pa'am, rgyun mi 'chad pa,...Dgun dus rtag par nyi ma 'char rgyu yod, [nitya] permanent phenomena, permanence, eternal, lasting, ever-, eternity, permanence conceptual consciousness/ thought/ thought consciousness perpetual, constant, lasting, eternal, perpetuity, duration [IW]

eternal, absolute, steady, eternalism, permanence, continuous, enduring, lasting, perpetuity, duration to all futurity, immortal, SA chen po lnga [JV]

permanence; permanent; isc. ever-present [RB]