chos ston sogs kyi sde tshan

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the 9th section of 10 on dharma festivals and so forth [of the ltung byed 'ba' zhig pa dgu bcu: grong du rgyu ba'i ltung byed dang, rgyal po'i pho brang du 'dug pa'i ltung byed dang, khyad du gsod pa'i ltung byed dang, khab ral byed pa'i ltung byed dang, khri rkang 'chos pa'i ltung byed dang, shing bal bgos pa'i ltung byed dang, gding ba tsad lhag byed pa'i ltung byed dang, ga-yan dgab tsad las lhag pa'i ltung byed dang, ras chen tsad las lhag pa'i ltung byed dang, chos gos tsad las lhag pa'i ltung byed] [IW]

the 9th section of 10 on dharma festivals and so forth [IW]