
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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1) lips, beak; 2) rgyu skar mchu)/* [IW]

1) lips, beak [syn: sgros dang, sgros dmar, so skyob, so gos, so sgrib, so yi gyogs]; 2) a rgyu skar)/ [syn: bcu drug 'od ldan dang, snyan ngag mkhan, rta chen, pha mes lha skyes, magha, tshigs brgya'i dbang po] [IW]

beak [RY]

lips/ mandibles; 1) lip. 2) beak; lips [RY]

1 of 28 constellations, SA rgyu skar, lips, beak of a bird, magha constellation, 1 of lunar mansions, regulus, 1 of rgyu skar [JV]