mda' yab

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1) on top of a building's gyang rtsig [walls?] pu shu [parapet, railing, fence], nya skyor, nya rgyab [coping on top of wall?; 2) gold, copper, etc. bird feathers, balcony (of divine palace) (balustrades) eave [motif] Das says = [IW]

parapets, balcony under the dome of a temple made in chinese style, railing, covered gallery on the top of a house eave, eave motif, door balustrade [JV]

ledge [RB]

parapets, balcony under the dome of a temple made in Chinese style, railing, covered gallery on the top of a house eave, eave motif, door balustrade]; 1) khang thog gi gyang rtsig pu shu'am nya skyor,...2) gser zangs sogs kyi bya 'dab [RY]

balustrade [RY]

balcony, balustrade, eave, eave motif; ledge [RY]