'bras bu rnam dag rang bzhin gyi dkyil 'khor

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1) the natural mandala of perfect fruition; 2) the mandala of fruition by nature completely pure)/ [see dkyil 'khor rnam pa gsum having entered into the symbolic mandala, the reality samadhi w complexities w visualization and recitation of the peaceful and wrathful deities, by viewing the simplicity of the completion stage reality mandala of the meaning, the manifestation of dharmata, 1 reaches perfection of the four appearances, snang ba bzhi, and so the mandala of the youthful vase body is made to manifest] [IW]

1) the natural mandala of perfect fruition; 2) the mandala of fruition by nature completely pure [IW]

see. dkyil 'khor rnam pa gsum the natural mandala of perfect fruition; the natural mandala of perfect fruition [RY]

1) the natural mandala of perfect fruition; 2) the mandala of fruition by nature completely pure)/ [see dkyil 'khor rnam pa gsum having entered into the symbolic mandala, the reality samadhi with complexities with visualization and recitation of the peaceful and wrathful deities, by viewing the simplicity of the completion stage reality mandala of the meaning, the manifestation of dharmata, one reaches perfection of the four appearances, snang ba bzhi, and so the mandala of the youthful vase body is made to manifest] [IW]