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1) among, [in] particular, specific; 2) Vaibhashika; 3) Vaisheshika [IW]

Differentialist [RY]

proponent of Vaisheshika school of Indian philosophy/ Analyst [RB]

Vaisheshika/ analyst; Vaishesika, Particularist, [one of the rtsa ba'i sde drug Hindu schools] [RY]

Vaishesika, Particularist, [one of the rtsa ba'i sde drug Hindu schools]. to come forth, arisen [RY]

vaisesika philosophy school [JV]

Vaisheshika [non-Buddhist] [ggd] [RY]

1) among, in particular; 2) vaibhashika 3) Vaisheshika)/ [hindu doctrine from ston pa drang srong 'ug pa and drang srong gzegs zan particularist, (one of the rtsa ba'i sde drug hindu schools] [IW]