gzi mdangs
1) good/ healthy complexion/ luster; 2) radiance, majestic brilliance, light; 3) gzi mdangs buddha [IW]
radiance, majestic brilliance; glamour [RY]
red sunset, afterglow, radiance, majestic, brilliance [JV]
resplendent radiance/ glow [RB]
1) the glow of majesty, glow of resplendence, glow of splendor, radiance of majesty, radiance of resplendence, radiance of splendor, brilliance of majesty, brilliance of resplendence, brilliance of splendor; 2) majestic brilliance, resplendent brilliance, splendorous brilliance, majestic radiance, resplendent radiance, splendorous radiance, majestic luster, resplendent luster, splendorous luster, majestic glow, resplendent glow, splendorous glow; 3) good or lively complexion, lustrous complexion; 4) a red sunset (poetic metaphor). [Erick Tsiknopoulos]