mi khom pa brgyad

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8 nonfreedoms [not born as a hell being, hungry ghost, beast, long lived god, barbarian, in wrong views, in a time without buddhas, as an idiot without speech sems can dmyal ba/yi dwags/dud 'gro/lha tshe ring po/mtha' 'khob mi/dbang po ma tshang ba/log par lta ba/de bzhin gshegs pa rnams ma 'byung ba/) chn. sems can dmyal ba dang, dud 'gro, yi dvags, lha tshe ring po, yul mtha' 'khob tu skyes pa, dbang po ma tshang ba, log par lta ba, de bzhin gshegs pa ma byon pa ste brgyad [IW]

eight (disadvantageous, unfavorable) conditions, 8 states not at ease (dmyal ba, yi dwags, dud 'gro, yul mtha' 'khob, kla klo, dbang po ma tshang ba, lha ba log pa), 8 obstacles to happiness caused by rebirth in situations unfavorable for dharma, 8 states of perpetual uneasiness (dmyal ba, dud 'gro, yi dwags, lha tshe ring po, mtha' 'khob mi, dbang po ma tshang ba, log par lta ba, de bzhin gshegs pa rnams ma byung ba), 8 resourceless states [JV]

8 non-freedoms [IW]

Leisureless states, the eight a-ksana. The states in which there is no opportunity to practice the Dharma, namely being born in hell, as an animal, as a preta, among the long-lived gods, or in a barbaric country where there are no Buddhist monastic or lay followers; being dull-witted, deaf and dumb; being addicted to perverse views such as disbelief in rebirth or Liberation; and when no Buddha has appeared and taught the Dharma [RY]

the eight unfree states [RY]