sems sde bco brgyad
Eighteen Esoteric Instructions of the Mental Class. As stated in Longchenpa, Treasury of Spiritual and Philosophical Systems, pp. 357 8, they are rig pa'i khu byug, rtsal chen sprug pa, khyung chen lding ba, rdo la gser zhun, mi nub rgyal mtshan nam mkha' che [which five constitute the five earlier translations made by Vairochana. rtse mo byung rgyal, rnam mkha'i rgyal po, bde ba 'phrul bkod, rdzogs pa spyi chings, byang chub sems tig, bde ba rab 'byams, srog gi 'khor lo, thig le drug pa, rdzogs pa spyi spyod, yid bzhin nor bu, kun tu rig pa, rje btsan dam pa, and sgom pa don grub- which thirteen constitute the later translations made by Vimalamitra, Ngak Jnana Kumara, and Yudra Nyingpo. [GM] [RY]
18 esoteric instructions of the mental class [As stated in longcenpa, treasury of spiritual and philo sophical systems, pp 357 8, they are rig pa'i khu byug, rtsal chen sbrug pa, khyung chen lding ba, rdo la gser zhun, mi nub rgyal mtshan nam mkha' che [which five constitute the five earlier translations made by Vairocana, rtse mo byung rgyal, rnam mkha'i rgyal po, bde ba 'phrul bkod, rdzogs pa spyi chings, byang chub sems tig, bde ba rab 'byams, srog gi 'khor lo, thig le drug pa, rdzogs pa spyi spyod, yid bzhin nor bu, kun tu rig pa, rje btsan dam pa, and sgom pa don grub -- which thirteen constitute the later translations made by Vimalamitra, nyak jn~a^nakuma^ra, and yudra nyingpo [gd] [IW]
18 esoteric instructions of the mental class [IW]