spyod yul
domain, object, object of activity, sphere of activity [thd]
range of (finite) experience; reach; sphere of activity/ experience; domain/ province/ scope/ spectrum; isc. dimension [RB]
1) experience, experiential domain, object of experience, field of experience. 2) domain sphere of activity range, reach, scope, field of / sphere of activity, area of, reach, horizon, within the reach of, for, experience, so so rang rig ye shes ba can only be experienced by discriminating awareness wisdom. reach. sphere of action, the range of the activities of the senses; sphere of activity/ province/ range; sphere of activity/ place, residence; experiential domain, object of experience, the range of finite experience [RY]
domain, operational (range, field), (mode, sphere) of life, for, action, sphere of (activity of object, activity), objectifying process of the mind, range, experience, benefit, objective realm, objects of experience, objects of perception, sphere of action, range of the activities of the senses, objects of experience, sphere of experience, sphere, range of finite experience [JV]
1) sphere /object of thought/ verbal/ conceptual knowledge /ordinary people's experience; 2) domain range, reach, scope, field, sphere of activity, area of, horizon, within the reach of, for-- [IW]
1) experiential domain, experiential sphere, experiential range; 2) domain of activity, sphere of activity, range of activity. The more common short form of the longer spyod pa'i yul. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]