zag pa

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1) (Tha mi dad pa) 1) zags pa, zag pa,, fall; 2) [p 'dzag pa]; 3) kleshas; 4) excrement, urine, tears, mucus etc bodily impure substances, corruption, the flux of world forming deeds- caused by ignorance, impure, corrupt, dissipated, defilement, contamination. downflowing, conditioning, ['leaking' into samsara]. Book 1/2,[Gdmk] 'outflow', what issues forth or causes swelling, defilements, fall [that which falls into samsara), sullying influence, defilement, contamination, misery, affliction, sorrow [IW]

pf. of 'dzag pa; outflow; zag pa, zags pa, zag pa intr. v.; ft. of zag pa; dissipate; corruption. the flux of world forming deeds - caused by ignorance. impure, corrupt, dissipate, defilement, contamination. down-flowing, conditioning, ['leaking' into samsara]. lit. 'outflow', what issues forth or causes swelling. Syn defilements, to fall [that which falls into samsara), sullying influence, defilement, contamination [RY]

break, collapse, sullying influences (three are dngos pa belief in existence, lta ba opinionatedness, ma rig pa spiritual ignorance), outflows, obscuring and sullying influences, emotively unstable, primary and secondary factors of emotive upset, (four outflows are 'dod pa, srid pa, ma rig pa, lta ba), impure, stained, defiled, sin, depravity, SA gzag pa, 'dzags pa, misery, affliction, sorrow, 4 kinds ('dod pa'i zag pa, srid pa'i zag pa, ma rig pa'i zag pa, lta ba'i zag pa), materially defiled dimension [JV]

1) (Tha mi dad pa 1 zags pa, zag pa,, fall; 2) [p 'dzag pa] dripped, trickled, down-flowing, 'outflow', what issues forth or causes swelling, that which leaks/ falls into samsara; 3) kleshas; 4) bodily impure substances [excrement, urine, tears, mucus etc]; 5) corrupt[ion] [the flux of world forming deeds- caused by ignorance, Book 1/2, Gd], impure, dissipated, defilement, contamination, sullying influence; 6) conditioning; 7) misery, affliction, sorrow [IW]