
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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1) thick drink made when skyur rtsi is added to milk; 2) curds, yogurt; 3) wt for gold silver etc [1.2 tola = 1/0 srang= 10 skar. [IW]

1) after skyur rtsi is added to milk bsnyal ba'i thick drink; 2) curds, yogurt; 3) wt for gold silver etc/ 1.2 tola). [IW]

yogurt. [RB]

curds, yoghurt, cream, dram, sho, curdled milk, milk, small gold weight, little more than half a rupee, small spot, speck, ounce. [JV]

1) yogurt; curds, 2) dram, sho Sho, monetary unit. a half tola of gold, ten of which equal one srang. [RY]