mchod thib

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offerings; [detailed expl., Light of Wisdom, Vol. 2, page 85 & 123] [RY]

to honor dge 'dun mchod pa'i slad - decided to honor the Sangha [RY]

offering, to worship, to honor, religious offering, + 'bul, to make an offering (h); to worship; mchod pa, mchod pa, mchod pa, mchod trans. v.; (to make) offerings [RY]

(to make) offerings [RB]

(Tha dad pa) ; 1) offer offerings/ means of pleasing; 2) eat drink receive [h]; 2) respectful pleasing offerings; 3) worship, honor) [IW]

(Tha dad pa) ; 1) offer offerings/ means of pleasing; 2) eat drink receive [h]; 2) respectful pleasing offerings [[ming gi rnam grangs la rgyas byed dang, mchod byed, bsnyen bkur, rim gro, legs byed]; 3) worship, honor) [IW]

religious ceremony - service [RY]

puja, worship, chaplain, honor, revere, respect, receive with honor, oblation, libation, festivity, entertainment, offer, offerings, sacrifice [JV]