ting nge 'dzin yan dag byang chub kyi yan lag
the three samadhis: 1) ma ha yo ga'i bskyed rim rnams ting nge 'dzin gsum gyis khog dbub pa: 1 de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin., suchness samadhi, two kun tu snang ba'i ting nge 'dzin., all-illuminating samadhi, three rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin., seed samadhi]; 2) Rnal 'byor rgyud yan chod kyi bskyed rim spyi'i rnal 'byor gsum: 1 dang po sbyor ba'i ting nge 'dzin two las rgyal mchog gi ting nge 'dzin three dkyil 'khor rgyal mchog gi ting nge 'dzin; 3) three contemplations, according to maha^yoga. 1 the yoga of great emptiness which is discriminative awareness shes rab stong pa chen po'i rnal 'byor. two the apparition of compassion which is skillful means thabs snying rje sgyu ma. three the seals which are subtle and coarse phyag rgya phra rags. See five paths of maha^yoga. GD [IW]
three samadhis. According to Ven. Tenga Rinpoche they are known as the chos sku de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin, the dharmakaya samadhi of suchness, longs sku kun tu snang ba'i ting nge 'dzin the sambhogakaya all illuminating samadhi and sprul sku rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin the nirmanakaya samadhi of the seed syllable [tsd]
the three samadhis, de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin, suchness samadhi, kun tu snang ba'i ting nge 'dzin, all-illuminating samadhi, rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin, seed samadhi]; Mahayoga: The yoga of great emptiness which is discriminative awareness shes rab stong pa chen po'i rnal 'byor the apparition of compassion which is skillful means thabs snying rje sgyu ma and the seals which are subtle and coarse phyag rgya phra rags [RY]
threefold contemplations (empty suchness, all-pervading compassion, clear seed syllables), three contemplations of bskyed rim practice of mahayoga and tantra in general (contemplation of the essential nature where one meditates on the intrinsic emptiness of all phenomena, contemplation of total manifestation where one meditates on equanimous compassion for all sentient beings, and contemplation on the cause where one concentrates on the seed syllable of the yidam deity), de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin, kun tu snang ba'i ting nge 'dzin, rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin [JV]
Three samadhis. The samadhi of suchness, of illumination and of the seed-syllable. They form the framework for the development stage [RY]
[in mahayoga] three states of samadhi/ meditative absorption; [in trekch�] three aspects of meditative absorption [RB]
the three samadhis [IW]
the three samadhis: 1) ma ha yo ga'i bskyed rim rnams ting nge 'dzin gsum gyis khog dbub pa ste, de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin, kun tu snang ba'i ting nge 'dzin, rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin no.2) Rnal 'byor rgyud yan chod kyi bskyed rim spyi'i rnal 'byor gsum ste, dang po sbyor ba'i ting nge 'dzin dang, las rgyal mchog gi ting nge 'dzin, dkyil 'khor rgyal mchog gi ting nge 'dzin te gsum. the three samadhis, de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin., suess samadhi, kun tu snang ba'i ting nge 'dzin., all-illuminating samadhi, rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin., seed samadhi]. three Contemplations, according to maha^yoga. the yoga of great emptiness which is discriminative awareness shes rab stong pa chen po'i rnal 'byor. the apparition of compassion which is skillful means thabs snying rje sgyu ma. and the seals which are subtle and coarse phyag rgya phra rags. See also the entry under five paths of maha^yoga. [Gd-mk]. the three samadhis, de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin bsam gtan gyi bar do. - the bardo of samadhi meditation] [IW]
the three samadhis: 1) ma ha yo ga'i bskyed rim rnams ting nge 'dzin gsum gyis khog dbub pa: de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin., suchness samadhi, kun tu snang ba'i ting nge 'dzin., all-illuminating samadhi, rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin., seed samadhi]; 2) Rnal 'byor rgyud yan chod kyi bskyed rim spyi'i rnal 'byor gsum: 1 dang po sbyor ba'i ting nge 'dzin dang, two las rgyal mchog gi ting nge 'dzin, three dkyil 'khor rgyal mchog gi ting nge 'dzin te gsum.; 3) three contemplations, according to maha^yoga. 1 the yoga of great emptiness which is discriminative awareness shes rab stong pa chen po'i rnal 'byor. two the apparition of compassion which is skillful means thabs snying rje sgyu ma. three the seals which are subtle and coarse phyag rgya phra rags. See five paths of maha^yoga. GD. [IW]