rgyal chen rigs bzhi

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1) heavens of the Four Great Kings, [first 'dod lha. 2) a god of this heaven. 3) the four Great Kings / directional guardians; n. of the first of the 6 sensual god realms/desire god realms. 4) [['dod lha dang po'i rigs su gtogs pa'i lha'am gnod sbyin te/ ri rab kyi cho mtshams rta ba nas yar brtsis pa'i bang rim dang por gnod sbyin lag na gzhong thogs/ gnyis par gnod sbyin lag na phreng thogs/ gsum par rtag myos/ bzhi par sde dpon chen po'am/ rgyal chen gtso bo yul 'khor srung dang/ 'phags skye po/ spyan mi bzang/ rnam thos sras bcas so sor gnas so]]. See also rgyal chen sde bzhi and rgyal chen bzhi'i ris. The gods or Yaksha (lit. 'harm-givers') included in the class of first [level] of desire realm gods [RY]

['dod lha dang po'i rigs su gtogs pa'i lha'am gnod sbyin te, ri rab kyi chu mtsams rtsa ba nas yar brtsis pa'i bang rim dang por gnod sbyin lag na gzhing thogs, gnyis par gnod sbyin lag na phreng thogs, gsum par rtag myos, bzhi par sde dpon chen po'am, rgyal chen gtso bo yul 'khor srung dang, 'phags skyes po, spyan mi bzang, rnam thos sras ] sor gnas so] 1) heaven of the four great kings, [1st 'dod lha @2) a god of this heaven; 3) the four great kings/ directional guardians) [IW]

four great world kings, catur mahara, jikas gods [JV]

[r] 1) heaven of the four great kings, [1st 'dod lha; 2) a god of this heaven; 3) the four great kings/ directional guardians [IW]