bstan pa dag kyang bsrung bar mdzad
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the later spread of the doctrine [there are different beginnings. According to the tradition of bu ston rin chen grub the 1st rabjung'i gong gi lo 53rd the water bird year bla chen dgongs pa rab gsal gyis bsnyen rdzogs kyi vow receiving year, from that it is counted. According to the tradition of 'brom ston pa rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas the 48th the earth tiger when klu mes tsul khrims shes rab etc. mi bcus bla chen las sdom pa blangs pa. Also some count from the translator rin chen bzang po'i mantrayana dharma bod du bsgyur ba'i skabs, gzhan yang lha bla ma ye shes 'od kyis from India invited the p' la rnam gsum to Tibet and the vinaya vow spread] [IW]
the later spread of the doctrine [RY]