tsha phyur phyur
This is the RYI Dictionary content as presented on the site http://rywiki.tsadra.org/, which is being changed fundamentally and will become hard to use within the GoldenDict application. If you are using GoldenDict, please either download and import the rydic2003 file from DigitalTibetan (WayBack Machine version as the site was shut down in November 2021).
Or go directly to http://rywiki.tsadra.org/ for more upcoming features.
1) lus la tsha reg phog nyams shig //nyi mas gzugs dros ches nas mgo lus tsha phyur phyur byung ba; 2) ngo tsha skyes pa'i nyams 'gyur,//mi mang po'i dkyil du rdzun rkub rdol nas ngo gdong tsha phyur phyur du gyur song; 3) 'jigs skrag skyes pa'i nyams 'gyur,//mi ngan rang rtags thon nye'i skabs lus po'ang tsha phyur phyur byed kyi 'dug [IW]