tshig dbang

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word empowerment; [expl., Light of Wisdom, Vol. 2, page 37] [RY]

Word Empowerment. The fourth of the four empowerments [RY]

fourth confirmation, (metaphor, verbal, word) empowerment, word initiation, word empowerment [JV]

word/ 4th initiation/ empowerment [IW]

word/ 4th initiation/ empowerment [mchog dbang gong ma gsum gyi ya gyal zhig ste, don dam byang chub sems kyi dkyil 'khor la brten nas slob ma'i lus ngag yid gsum la bskur te sgo gsum gyi dri ma bag chags dang bcas pa dag lam rang bzhin rdzogs pa chen po bsgom pa la dbang, 'bras bu ye shes rdo rje ngo bo nyid sku thob pa'i skal ba rgyud la 'jog byed kyi dbang TSE] [IW]

word empowerment/ empowerment through words [RY]