thug chom byung ba
meet, touch, knock against, run into, come across, soup, broth, gruel, stew, porridge, brew, reach, arrive at, come to, interview, encounter, light upon, hit, strike against, SA gtug pa, stew, porridge, to flow into [JV]
sangs rgyas byon pa'i bskal pa dang thug pa we are in a kalpa in which a Buddha has come [RY]
to reach/ up to, until/ to rest on, rely on, depend on; 1) Tibetan style soup, broth, gruel. 2) noodle dishes; thug pa, thug pa, thug pa intr. v [RY]
1.(Tha mi dad pa),, touch encounter, meet; 2) soup, broth, gruel; 3) noodle dishes (syn: skyo thang, skyo tsa, khyab byed, 'jam thug, phye thug) [IW]
1) (Tha mi dad pa touch, reach .'Bu de glog la thug tsam gyis shi yong.Dka' las khag po dang thug pa.Grogs po thug pa.Mthar thug pa.Sang zhogs nga gnyis yud tsam zhig thug dgos.Gdong thug gis 'thab 'dzing byed pa.2.Zas shig ...Rnyog gra thug pa nang bzhin bskol yong.Rgya thug ...Rtsam thug ...'Bras thug ...Bag thug ...Ming gi rnam grangs la skyo thang dang, skyo tsa, khyab byed, 'jam thug phye thug bcas so; 1) Tibetan soup, broth, gruel; 2) noodle dishes [IW]
soup [RY]