thogs bcas kyi dngos po

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1) to hold, brandish. 2) to impede. 3) obstruction, resistance, obstacle, impediment. Syn thogs thung med pa 4) to strike, stumble, run against, to be hindered, impeded, delayed; to be impeded, obstructed, hindered; thogs pa, thogs pa, thogs pa, thogs trans. v [RY]

'dogs/ gdag/ btags/ - to apply/ attach (a label); to designate/ label; to refer to [RB]

1) (Tha dad pa,, carry, hold [Dar cha dmar po mthon por thogs pa. Lag tu mtshon cha thogs nas 'thab 'dzing gi gra sgrig byed pa; 2) [Tha mi dad pa],, 1 phyir 'gyang ba dang, 'gor ba. Glo bur na nas thogs song. Yun ring po rang thogs ma song; 2) Thug reg gis ma thar ba. Khon thogs.Khon khon thogs thogs.Lhags pa gyang la thogs nas tsur rgyag mi thub.Bya 'phur shes na gshog sne brag la mi thogs, mi 'gro shes na rkang sne rdo la mi thogs.Rkang pa rdo la thogs nas 'gyel; 3) Thon pa'am skyes pa.Bya la gshog sgro thogs.Kham sdong la 'bras bu thogs 'dug; 4) Rdugs pa ste gcig gi go sar gcig rdugs nas gzugs can gnyis pa mi 'byung ba'o. 1 to hold, brandish. two to impede.; 3) obstruction, resistance, obstacle, impediment. sm. thogs thung med pa. four to strike, stumble, run against, to be hindered, impeded, delayed [IW]

touch, throw, brandish, tarry, hold up in the hand, bear aloft, strike, stumble, run against, throw against, be impeded, delayed, materiality, to hold [JV]