mthar gyis sbyor ba mtshon byed kyi chos bcu gsum

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'jig ltas bzung ba'i bdag de nyid rtag pa'am chad par lta ba belief in extremes [RY]

the belief that [upholds] extremes [RY]

extreme-grasping view, eternalistic or nihilistic view of a transitory collection as a self [IW]

extreme-grasping view, eternalistic or nihilistic view of a transitory collection as a self [a'jig lta'i yul gyi bdag la dmigs nas rtag pa ther zug pa'am phyi mar nying mtshams sbyor ba med pa'i chad par lta ba'i rnam pa can, byed las dbu ma'i lam gyi nges par 'byung ba la bar du gcod pa'i shes rab nyon mongs can [IW]

opinionatedness regarding extremes, mibp 74 [JV]

Extreme view DKC


See view of holding extremes (mthar 'dzin lta ba). DKC