dag phud byed

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purifying perfecting and ripening [IW]

purifying perfecting and ripening [inner tantra developing stage bskyed rim spyi'i the essence must be dag rdzogs smin. Samsara's birth death and bardo and the four birthplaces skye gnas bzhi etc. rnam pa dang mthun par by meditating the three worlds all appearances of attachment, purified, become the pure fields, and the three samadhis according with nirvana myang 'das dang mthun par ting 'dzin gsum &, zhing dang, by meditation on the rnam pa of the deities the fruition the qualities of trikaya are perfected in/as the ground ste mngon du sad rung gi special power arises &, thus both purified and perfected 'ang rdo the nadi prana and bindu of the vajra body gnad du bsnun nas the example wisdom of rdzogs rim and don gyi 'od gsal skye ba'i smin byed du 'gro ba] [IW]