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Ketu, comet Encke [among the 10 planets gza' bcu, shar gyi du ba mjug ring, arising house chu smad, rtag pa'i coursing = with the sun, 'gros bzhi rtzom pa'i rkang pa'i khyad kyis 'char ba ste, rim pa mdun and rim min la visible behind the sun, in 150 months its four motions are completed, de yang four movements gang la'ang, three years coursing daily with chu srang two + three breaths each before and after the sun surplus or lack, phyogs gsum bar du daily chu tshod 1 dang chu srang 52 dbugs three compared to the sun is its daily surplus or lack, [syn: ketu, skag las skyes, skra gnyis pa, mjug phod can, phod can, sbrul can, gtzug phud can] [IW]
Ketu, comet Encke * comet [IW]
the comet Encke [RY]
comet, 1 of sde brgyad [JV]