'dod dgu'i char babs
1) selfish desire; 2) [assigning names by] arbitrary caprice; 3) conceit, arrogance [IW]
1) selfish desire; 2) [assigning names by] arbitrary caprice; 3) conceit)/ [one whatever one wants without reflection two in first imputing names and symbols to things not depending on reasons the assigner doing it in terms of whatever he likes arbitrarily, eg, he may call [other things than usual] sa, chu, me, rlung three ='Dod pa'i rgyal po conceit, self-assurance, sheer imagination] [IW]
conceit, self-assurance [JV]
sheer imagination [RY]
From the Bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo: "'dod rgyal/ 1) rang 'dod kho na tsam/ ma bsams 'dod rgyal gtam la gtad so med/ 2) ming brda 'dogs tshul zhig ste/ dngos por thog mar brda' sbyor ba na rgyu mtshan la ma brten par brda sbyor mkhan gyi 'dod pa dbang btsan du byas nas rang dgar btags pa'i ming/ dper na/ sa/ chu/ me/ rlung zhes pa lta bu'o/" Tybd 15:09, 19 November 2007 (EST)