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bu 'byung bar{C}begets; give birth to a child
byang bar 'byung ba{C}spend; exhaust; wasted away by; extinguish; annul
'di snyam du sems{C}it occurs
byang chub sems dpa' gdol ba{C}an outcast among Bodhisattvas
byang chub sems dpa'i skyon ma mchis pa{C}the fixed condition of a Bodhisattva; a Bodhisattva's special way of salvation
byang chub sems dpa'i skyon med pa{C}the fixed condition of a Bodhisattva; a Bodhisattva's special way of salvation
byang chub sems dpa'i skyon med par 'jug pa{C}the stage where he reaches the certainty that as a Bodhisattva he will be saved
byung{C}come into being; issued from; gone forth; removal; source; commit an offence; become guilty of
byung ba{C}has been produced; produced; has arisen; have approached; practice; has been subjected to; source; there can be; possibility; possible origin; make possible
byung ba chen po{C}great elements
byung ba ma yin{C}not come into being; not come about; not really existing; impossible
byung bar gyur na{C}(is/has been) set up; lives for; rise up against; is about to; immanent; is concerned with; have come round; entails; sets himself up
byung bar gyur te{C}comes forth; 'gives out'; issues from
byung gyur{C}production; sprung up
byung nas 'jig cing 'ju ba{C}on arising they soon break up and are dispersed
byungs te{C}(is/has been) set up; lives for; rise up against; is about to; immanent; is concerned with; have come round; entails; sets himself up
chags sems{C}covetousness
da ltar byung ba{C}present
da ltar byung bar{C}in the present
de byung 'brel{GD:221} relation of provenance
de lta bu byung ba'i sde{C}Thus-was-said
'dra ba gzhan byung{C}tapering; {GD:527} the arising of similar other moments
'dra ba gzhan byung 'khrul rgyu{GD:513} the arising of similar other [moments] as a cause of mistake
dul ba'i sems{C}a mind completely tamed
gcig gi rgyu las gcig byung ba yin pa{C}mutual production; (lit.: 'from the cause of one; the other arises')
gnod par sems{C}exert oneself
gnod sems kyi 'du shes{C}perception of ill-will
gnod sems kyi sems bskyed par byed{C}cherish malice for; feel anger
gnod sems med pa{C}free from ill-will
'dun pa'i rtsa ba las byung ba{C}rooted in the desire-to-do
'dus pa las byung ba'i ngo bo nyid{C}own-being acting in causal connection
kun 'byung ba;kun 'byung{C}befall; use; credit with; ideas; habits; origin; origination; source
kun nas langs pa nyid las byung ba{C}arisen from
kun nas mnar sems byed de{C}cherish malice for; feel anger
las byung ba{C}come forth; issued; source
lta dang bcas pa'i sems kyis{C}in his heart longing for
lugs 'byung{GD:767} forward systems [of explanation, which consist in demonstrating the existence of causes]
ma byung ba{C}not produced; not come into being; not come about; impossible; not really existing
mchog tu rmad byung{C}exceedingly wonderful
mdo las ji skad 'byung ba bzhin{C}according to the sūtra
mi 'byung{C}cannot spring up; impossibility
mi 'byung ba{C}not conducive to deliverence
mngon par 'byung{C}leave home; go forth; go out
mngon par 'byung ba{C}leave home; depart; go off; come out of; leave
mngon par 'byung bar 'gyur{C}leave home; go forth; go out
mngon par yid ches par 'gyur ba 'byung la lta mchis lags sam{C}truly believe
mthong ba'i chos la 'byung bar 'gyur ba dang rjes su mthun pa{C}(the karma) which led him to this experience in his present life
nges 'byung{C}goes forth; leaving home
nges 'byung med{C}absence of going forth; not going forth
nges par 'byung{C}going forth; goes forth; go forth
nges par 'byung ba{C}goes forth; come into being; issued from; gone forth; removal; support
nges par 'byung ba dang bcas pa{C}with escape; which includes the possibility of escape
nges par 'byung ba med pa{C}without support
nges par 'byung ba;nges 'byung{C}escape; going forth; freedom from faults
nges par 'byung bar 'gyur te{C}will come forth
nges par mi 'byung{C}absence of going forth; not going forth
nges par sems pa{C}meditation; pacification
pha rol gyi sems kyi spyod pa shes pa{C}the knowledge of the thoughts and actions of others
phan pa dang bde ba'i sems{C}a thought which is directed towards the benefit and ease
phan pa'i sems{C}mind interested only in the welfare (of all beings); with a thought of benevolence; mind which is well-disposed
phan par sems pa{C}solicitude
phung po thams cad nges par 'dor ba dang 'byung bar dang{C}rejection of all substrata
rab tu 'byung{C}is kept going; has spread; goes out into
rab tu 'byung bacome to pass; takes up the homeless life
rab tu 'byung bar 'gyur ro{C}recluse; left the world
rab tu dad par byung ba{C}finds faith in
'khrug pa'i sems{C}watchfulness
'khrug pa'i sems 'ga' tsam yang skyed par mi byed de{C}does not get angry even in his mind
rang 'byung{C}Self-existent; cognition of the Self-existent
rang byung gi chos{C}dharmas of the Self-existent
rang dbang du 'byung ba'i phyir{C}it occurs as an independent reality
rdo rje lta bu'i sems{C}adamantine thought
'khrul pa'i sems{C}confused thought
re ba med sems{C}his mind free from hesitation
'byung{C}has come into being; gives rise to; come into being; depart; go off; come out of; leave (home life); brought about; origin; which has arisen; issued; manifestation; comes to be manifest; are brought along; are assembled
rgyu las byung ba{C}because of; the cause of
rin po che'i 'byung gnas{C}source of wealth; jewel-mine
'byung 'gyur{C}be present; have at one's disposal; exist potentially; can possibly be; produce; proceeds
rjes su byung ba'i rtog pas ling po{GD:151} arising later than the perception of the collection
rjes su byung ba'i rtog pas ling po gcig tu bzung ba{C}cataract; covering; membrane
rjes su yi rang ba'i mod las byung ba{C}connected with jubilation
rlom sems{C}feel conceited; feel superior to; mental attitude; thinks; fancies (himself for); thinks of; minds about; thinks about; thinks with regard to; minds; puts his mind to; sets above; cares about; conceit; vain conceit; minding; conceitedness; self-conscio
rlom sems dang brnyas pa{C}contemptuousness
rlom sems dang brnyas pa'i sems bskyed pa{C}production of a proud thought
rlom sems kyi ltung ba'i gnas{C}offence of conceitedness
rlom sems med pa{C}to be devoid of mental acts
rlom sems su byas{C}put his mind to
rlom sems su byed{C}despise; feel conceited; feel superior to; looks down upon
rlom sems su byed brnyas par byed{C}looks down upon
rlom sems su gyur pa{C}imagining
rlom sems su mi 'gyur ba{C}no conceit
'byung 'gyur ba{C}be present; have at one's disposal; exist potentially; can possibly be; attains; comes; come forth
rlom sems su mi bya ba{C}no conceit; does not put his mind to conceit; absence of conceit
'byung ba{C}produce; has had; (has been) produced; has arisen; raised; appearance (in the world); leading forth; leaving home; (has been) begotten (by); be the offspring of becomes; stands; takes place; occurs; comes about; source; there can be; possibility; possi
rnam par g.yeng ba med pa'i sems{C}undisturbed (in his) thought; with undistracted mind
rnam par rtog pa las byung ba{C}arisen from discrimination
rnam par smin pa las byung ba{C}born of karma-result
'byung ba ma mchis pa{C}not coming into being
'phral du 'byung ba{C}(something) adventitious
'byung ba mchis pa{C}coming into being