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 Has improper value for"Has improper value for" is a predefined property that tracks input errors for irregular value annotations and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.Processing error message"Processing error message" is a predefined property containing a textual description of an error and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1393Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "需要关联。著作物开头叙述的著书 需要和联系。书中所论述之义理为内容;理解内容成为实践经义之大道,是为需要,尽力实践逐步获得全知,是为需要之需要。如此,需要之需要联系于需要,需要联系于内容,内容义理前前联系于后后,斯为关联。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1428Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "三愉悦,三悅意。《毗奈耶经》所说自愿发露、忏悔之犯戒比丘还净三法中,行履别住愉悦之法。为求净治僧残堕罪,依白四羯磨,罚令犯戒比丘六日,比丘尼半月,为比丘大众专服劳役,此为愉悦。行履服愉悦期中,再犯同类残堕者,前劳无益,应令二次行履愉悦,此为重新愉悦,若犯三次,应令第三次行覆愉悦,比丘十八日、比丘尼四十五日,此为再重新愉悦。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1507Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "四去,四避去。《毗奈耶经》所说屏教师盘诘受戒者有无碍难时,应当回避引去的四种情况:爱好故去,谓受戒者与屏教师谊属亲友,虽有碍难,讳言不言;怖畏故去,谓屏教师畏受戒者,不敢直言:怨恨故去,谓屏教师与受戒者不和,顛倒妄言;无知故去,谓屏教师不能了解受戒者有无碍难。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1509Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "卓瓦桑姆。神话故事人物。传说门隅曼札冈地方一修行老翁的女儿卓瓦桑姆,被娶入王宫为妃,横遭恶妇嫉妒陷害,不得已飞往空行刹土,遗一子一女于人间,又被恶人多方谋害,幸免于死;后来其子长成,终于杀敌报仇。晚近盛行的藏剧《卓瓦桑姆》即根据此一故事演绎而成。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1515Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "二十行走聚。恶作罪之第二类有:二十条。谓未防护身语、未整齐著衣、 喧哗、眼高视、太远视过一轭木、以衣缠头、撩裙露形、抄衣至双肩,两手拊肩行、两手抱项后行、跳行、提步行、蹲行、举踵以趾行,两手叉腰行、摇身行、掉臂行、摇头行、比肩行和携手行。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/152Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "皮革事。《毗奈耶经》三种衣本事之一。律经中允许比丘着用皮革的特殊情況:中印度地方,为保护敷具,允许着皮履;于寺外俗人家,如无他种敷具,允许坐皮褥上,但不许卧下;于边鄙地方为御寒故,靴鞋敷具可用皮革;于极寒地方衣等允许随便服用。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1534Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《方广大庄严经》。别名《大游戏经》。共十八卷二十七章。由印度堪布姿纳迷扎等人和译师智军译为藏文,后又根据改革后的文字加以修订,载在如来三转法轮时所讲《宝积经》第二函。唐代地婆诃罗由梵译汉。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1545Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "七重标号。书面上使用的符号:字间标号,使拼写免于混淆;句读标号,使词句免于淆乱;章节标号,使文义免于淆乱;分卷标号,使頌偈免于淆乱;卷目标号,使书册免于淆乱;框线标号,使页面周边免于淆乱;名签标号或函头标号;使函卷免于淆乱。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1563Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "四王天,四天王天,四大王众天。六欲天之第一重天,或称药叉,居须弥山下海面上,自下而上,第一层为持盆药叉,第二层为持鬘药叉,第三层为常醉药叉,第四层为药叉大將,亦即持国天王、增长天王、广目天王和多闻天王等所谓 四大天王。总名四王天。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/160Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《佛说大悲空智金刚大教王经》。无上瑜伽部二品。包括较《喜金刚本续》广本七十万颂稍略的五十万颂和更略的《喜金刚本续王经》二书。印度论师伽耶达罗与西藏卓米译师由梵译藏,后由循努拜译师补译。宋代译师法护由梵译汉。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1608Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《王朝明鉴》。全名《王朝历史明鉴》。公元1488年萨迪记•瑣南坚贊著。书中首先概述情器世间形成、印度历代王朝、释迦牟尼出世、佛教兴起。然后详述西藏古代吐蕃历代王朝、佛教流传,直至亚隆地区王族世系等情况。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1641Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《续部・幻网经》。别名《续部・秘密藏》,全名《圣秘密藏真实性决定本续经》,即旧派密乘主要经典《金刚萨埵幻网经二十二品》。由印度译师无垢友,藏族译师涅・慧童及马・仁钦却等叁人由梵译藏。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1661Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "三常念。布萨仪轨之一。初為寺庙神主、神众举腔念经,為地祇等施食,向三宝例行礼忏;次為使天、人等众生听法,故讽诵《宣法经》中经文四偈,依敬礼、讽经、回向等种念头,讲听《戒行清凈经》。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1748Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《声明要领二卷》。热巴坚时代,印度班智达姿纳迷札、达那希拉和西藏译师香•智军等对旧译典籍进行了修订并厘定卷帙,同时就显密乘典籍如何译法,以及使声明和藏语两者相符易懂,根据厘定文字的敕命而撰写的一部声明学著作。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/180Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "龙树。大乘佛教开派祖师名,膽洲六严之一。佛灭后四百年项,生于南印度一婆罗门家。幼通密宗四续、显宗三藏等一切经典及道术之学,在那些烂陀寺依喜乐和大士出家,法名具德比丘,著《中观理聚六论》及《本续集论》等阐明如来教义之书甚多。在医学方面,有《寿世经颂》、《草药龙须根炮治法》、《珍宝药物次第》、《水银练治法·宝鬘论》、《疗毒四瘟疗法》等著述。及门弟子圣天等多如日光之尘。遍建塔寺于五印度,为圣地金刚座起网状围墙,为南印度米积寺设计结构等,世称其享年六百岁,但译密乘有说其寿逾千岁者。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1801Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "二十一度母:奋迅度母、威猛白度母、金颜度母、顶髻尊胜度母、吽音叱咤度母、胜三界度母、破敌度母、摧破魔军度母、供奉三宝度母、伏魔度母、解厄度母、烈焰度母、颦眉度母、救饥度母、大寂静度母、消疫度母、赐成就度母、消毒度母、消苦度母、明心吽音度母和震撼三界度母。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1910Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "离五择定。诸比丘、沙弥受持终身戒时,必须远离逆缘,即五择定。此在比丘,必须正离,在诸沙弥,须近似离:若以为于具此顺缘之处,则当守护,若于余处,则不守护,为处择定; 于某年月,则当守护,至余年月,则不能守,为时择定; 除斗诤劫,余皆能守,为生世择定;除怨敌外,不害他命,为有情择定; 除重戒外,余诸轻戒,则不能守,为支择定。离此五者,别解脱戒方得生起。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1956Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "世界五胜地,赡洲五圣地,南赡部洲五大佛教圣地:中央印度金刚座为释迦牟尼胜地;东方中国五台山为文殊菩萨胜地; 南方普陀洛伽山为观音菩萨胜地; 西方巴基斯坦乌仗那空行洲为莲花生胜地; 北方香拔拉为具种法王胜地。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/1984Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "胎藏五位,胎内五位。人身在母胎内发育过程五阶级。关于五位名称,梵文《药叉王请问经》和《入胎经》等藏译各不相同,梵音依次译为羯罗蓝、遏部昙、闭尸、键南和钵罗奢法; 汉义依次译为凝酪、膜疱、血肉、坚肉、支节等五位。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Dictionaries/bod rgya nang don rig pai tshig mdzod/2004Chinese-DefinitionProperty "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "对法七论,发智论与六足论。说一切有部的七种根本论著。以迦多𧗠尼子著《发智论》为总为身; 以世友著《品类论》、天寂著《识身论》、舍利子著《法蕴论》、目犍连子著《施设论》、拘瑟耻罗著《集异门论》、满慈子著《界身论》等六轮为支为足。故后六伦亦分别名为《品类足论》乃至《界身足论》。七论著者,称为七阿罗汉。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.