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chos dang zang zing dang mi 'jig pa sbyin pato give teachings, material things, and relief from fear
chos dang zang zingspiritually and materially; chos dang zang zing phan 'dogs helping others spiritually and materially; giving both instructions and material things
chos 'dul rgya mtsho'i dgongs don gsal bar byed pa tsin ta ma Ni'i 'phreng mdzes blo gsal mgul rgyana detailed study of the sgo mang system of pedagogical presentation of the Buddhist Vinaya; by mkhan po blo gros rgya mtsho of bkra shis 'khyil
chos mngon rgya mtsho'i dgongs don brjed byang du bkod pa rin chen sgron mea detailed study of the sgo mang system of pedagogical presentation of the Abhidharma Kosha Vasubandhu; by mkhan po blo gros rgya mtsho of bkra shis 'khyil, also named mdo smad bkra shis 'khyil gyi mkhas dbang rje blo gros rgya mtsho'i gsung 'bum las mdzod
chos sku 'gyur med kyi dgongs paunchanging mind of dharmakaya
chos sku'i dgongs paattained the realization of dharmakaya
chos sku rang babs kyi dgongs pathe realization of dharmakaya naturalness
chos sku rgyal po'i dgongs pathe realization of the dharmakaya king
dam chos dgongs pa yang zabterma revealed by rin chen phun tshogs 'bri gung pa 1509-1557
dam chos dgongs pa yongs 'dusa collection of texts from the cycle revealed by spo bo gter ston bdud 'dul rdo rje (1615-1672)
dam pa'i chos dgongs pa gcig pasee dgongs gcig
'das dgongs pa mnyam par bzhag pa'i bkod pacomposed in his meditative state
dbu ma bzhi brgya pa'i tshig don rnam par bshad pa klu dbang dgongs rgyana rare and previously unpublished commentary on a'aryadeva's monumental work on Madhyamaka philosophy - the catu:shatakash'astrak'arik'a; by bod pa sprul sku mdo sngags bstan pa'i nyi ma (1907-1959)
dbu ma dgongs pa rab gsalillumination of the thought, by Dzong ka ba
dbu ma klu sgrub dgongs rgyanwork by a mdo dge 'dun chos 'phel 1905? 1951?; lectures on the profound import of Madhyamika philosophy
dbu ma thal 'gyur baPrasangika Madhyamaka School; Prasangika Madhyamika. adherents of the Prasangika dialectics; advanced school of absolute reductionism; the system of Chandrakirti; Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: [[sgrub byed kyi gtan tshigs tshul gsum dngos stobs kyis sgrub pa'i rang rgyud pa 'god pa med cing/ skye med dang stong nyid sogs gzhan gyi log rtog dgag pa'i phyir gzhan ngor khas len cing dngos smra ba la nang 'gal ston pa'i thal 'gyur tsam las rang lugs bsgrub bya med pas khas len dang bral ba'o]]
dbu ma thal 'gyur baPrasangika-m dhyamika [R] 'gyur tsam gyis phyi rgol gyi rgyud la bsgrub bya rtogs pa'i rjes dpag skye bar 'dod pa'i dbu ma pa ste, rang gi mtshan nyid kyis grub pa tha snyad tsam du yang mi bzhed pa'i ngo bo nyid med par smra ba'o]
dbu ma thal 'gyur pamiddle way consequence school
dbu ma thal 'gyur paMiddle Way Consequence School; Prasangika-Madhyamika. Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: yod med kyi mtha' las 'das pa'i rang bzhin khas len thams cad dang bral bar 'dod
dbyings ka dag zang thal gyi ting nge 'dzinthe samadhi of the unimpeded space of primordial purity
dgongs1) to think, to consider (h). 2) n. insight, reflection, intention, consideration, understanding, vision, thought, mind, wisdom, realization, reflect, understand, intend, give thought, care for, thought, regarding. 3) realized, knew. 4) died
dgongs brda snyan brgyud kyi brgyud gsum chig rdzogs su blangsreceived the complete transmission of all three lineages together: the mind lineage, the symbol lineage and the hearing lineage
dgongs brda snyan brgyudmind, sign and hearing lineages
dgongs brda snyan brgyudMind, Sign and Hearing Lineages, Symbol, and Oral Lineages; Mind, Indication, and Hearing or Aural Transmission
dgongs 'brelcommentaries; see dgongs 'grel
dgongs brgyudmind transmission, thought lineage; wisdom lineage; direct transmission, Mind Lineage
dgongs bshadimplied exposition
dgongs bzhed gnangto think over
dgongs bzhedview point; thoughts, consideration, attention (h), intention, system, approach
dgongs bzhesintention
dgongs 'charplans
dgongs dagafternoon, early evening
dgongs dag thugs bden zhu bato apologize
dgongs dag zhu bato apologize; Syn bzod gsol zhu ba
dgongs dag zhu bato be sorry, feel apologetic, to ask forgiveness, apologize
dgongs donintended meaning, meaning, intent, sense, purpose, ideal, knowledge, intention-meaning, ultimate knowledge
dgongs donmeaning; ex rgyal ba'i gsung rab thams cad kyi dgongs don the complete meaning of the Buddha's teachings
dgongs don snying poessential meaning
dgongs 'dusAssemblage of Realization
dgongs 'dus chen moterma revealed by Sangye Lingpa. Syn bla ma dgongs 'dus
dgongs 'dusEmbodiment of Realization. An Anu Yoga scripture of major importance. Abbreviation of The Scripture of the Embodiment of the Realization of All Buddhas (sangs rgyas thams cad kyi dgongs pa 'dus pa'i mdo)
dgongs 'dus rnam bshadbla ma dgongs pa 'dus pa'i cho ga'i rnam bzhag dang 'brel ba'i bskyed rdzogs zung 'jug gi sgom khog mkhyen brtse'i me long 'od zer brgya pa - gter chen sangs rgyas gling pa'i bla ma dgongs 'dus rnam bshad by 'jigs med gling pa rang byung rdo rje - (1729 or 30-1798)
dgongs 'dusSyn bla ma dgongs 'dus; quintessential sublime vision
dgongs dwangskhong khro zhi ba'i zhe sa. SA thugs dwang [mss]
dgongs gcig1) single intention. 2) dam pa'i chos dgongs pa gcig pa, the Single Intent doctrine of the Drigung Kagyü. 3) one night
dgongs 'graloffense, displeasure
dgongs 'grel1) commentary, explanation, clarifying the intent. 2) Samdhinirmocana Sutra; Sutra that Unravels the Intent
dgongs 'grel bstan bcosthe treatises that clarify the intent [of the Buddha]
dgongs gsolrequest, beseeching
dgongs gter bsam pa lhun grubterma on the nirmanakaya aspect of Padmasambhava by ka thog rig 'dzin tshe dbang nor bu
dgongs gter klong chen snying gi thig leterma cycle by kun mkhyen 'jigs med gling pa
dgongs gtermind terma, Mind Treasure. A revelation directly within the mind of a great master, without the need for a terma of material substance. The teachings revealed in this way were implanted within the 'indestructible sphere' at the time when the master in a former life was one of Padmasambhava's disciples
dgongs gterMind Treasure
dgongs gterMind treasures
dgongs gtermind treasure, teaching of Guru Rinpoche that have been hidden and rediscovered through the minds of tertöns
dgongs gtermind treasure; treasure of intention
dgongs gter o rgyan bla ma'i rnal 'byorterma by tshar chen blo gsal rgya mtsho
dgongs gter o rgyan rje 'bangs nyer lngaterma by 9th si tu padma nyin byed dbang po
dgongs gter rdo rje slob dponby ka thog rig 'dzin tshe dbang nor bu
dgongs gzhibasic intent, intention ground
dgongs gzhi gtso bor ston pa'i dgongs pa can gyi mdo bzhithe four sutras of implied meaning that focus on / emphasize the [Buddha's] basic intent
dgongs gzhiintention, plan, idea, thought (h)
dgongs khratitle-flap [on a Tibetan book]
dgongs 'khrolconsent, permission (h)
dgongs lendgongs 'di'i len 'ong du "in coming to understand the thought/intention/intended meaning," "in coming to appropriate --." [mss]
dgongs mchodcommemoration puja
dgongs mdzod cigconsider this! / pay heed! understand this!
dgongs minnot implied exposition
dgongs nasfelt that
dgongs nashe thought
dgongs nasintended
dgongs nyamsattain realization, h. visionary experience; h. visionary experience; attain realization
dgongs pa bkral baexplain the meaning
dgongs pa bkrolgive permission
dgongs pa brda'i gsungOne of the gsung lnga, 'bras chos nyer lnga
dgongs pa brnyesencountered the wisdom; x chos sku'i dgongs pa brnyes encountered the wisdom of Dharmakaya
dgongs pa bzhesto think over, to consider
dgongs pa bzhifour intents / intentionalities: 1) mnyam pa nyid la dgongs pa even-minded intentionality. 2) dus gzhan la dgongs pa intentionality concerning other times. 3) don gzhan la dgongs pa intentionality concerning other aims. 4) gang zag gzhan la dgongs pa intentionality concerning other people
dgongs pa can gyi donintended / implied meaning
dgongs pa canimplied; implied, indirect [meaning], intentional, intended meaning, veiled, not readily accessible to superficial investigation, figurative teaching
dgongs pa caninterpretable
dgongs pa can ma yin panon-interpretable
dgongs pa can ma yin panot implied
dgongs pa can min pa'i bshad paexposition which is not implied'
dgongs pa dbyer medyour mind and your teacher's became one
dgongs pa dbyings su skyol bato bring the state of realization to embrace basic space
dgongs pa dbyings su skyol zhigbring your realization to encompass dharmadhatu!
dgongs padgongs pa, dgongs pa, dgongs pa, dgongs trans. v. . (h) Of bsam pa. 1) mind, frame of mind, attitude, intention, thought, consideration, viewpoint, idea. 2) [to emphasize the honorific] enlightened intent, wisdom mind, realization, insight, vision, wisdom, meditation, deep experience. 3) to think, consider, concentrate upon, reflect, understand, give thought to, care for, feel, regard, realize, know, decide, intend. 4) meaning, intent, implication, understanding, cognizance, necessity, intimation, interpretation; kyi dgongs pa enlightened intent behind. 5) implicative, meant for, intended to be. 6) deepest sense, primordial condition, deep structure
dgongs padgongs pa sangs rgyas kun dang dbyer med par bzhugs his wisdom mind is inseparable from that of all the Buddhas
dgongs pa dkrug pato annoy
dgongs pa dkrugsto make angry, to irritate, annoy
dgongs pa[for Dzogchen] enlightened intent(ion) [for lower approaches] enlightened perspective/ outlook
dgongs pa gcig dang dbyangs gcigof one mind and voice
dgongs pa gcig drilunified realization
dgongs pa gcigof one mind
dgongs pa gnang bar zhuI beg you, think of this!
dgongs pa gnangh. of dgongs pa gtong to give permission
dgongs pa 'grel paexplanation of the intent / meaning. See also dgongs 'grel
dgongs pa grub pato fulfill a wish
dgongs pa gsalGongpa Sal, name of early Tibetan monk
dgongs pa gtadconcentration of mind
dgongs pa gtad pameditative concentration of mind, was thinking of; to focus [his] attention (h), the concentration of his mind, to direct one's concentration
dgongs pa gtongto give permission, consent, approval
dgongs pa'i gnadthe key points in the intent of ..
dgongs pa'i gter mdzod brdol bathe treasury of his realization overflowed
dgongs pa'i klongexpanse of realization
dgongs pa'i mdzod brtol bapouring out from the treasury of his realization
dgongs pa'i rtsa chen rdzogs pato perfect the great power of realization
dgongs pa'i snying poquintessence of the meaning
dgongs pa khrel bato despise
dgongs pa 'khrol baMG: to get permision/consent/approval (usu. to resign from a post or to take leave from work). [mss]
dgongs pa 'khrolvi. to get permission, consent, approval [usu. to resign from a post or to take leave from work]
dgongs pa kun 'dusGongpa Kündü; terma of Chokgyur Lingpa
dgongs pa. . . kyi dgongs pa - enlightened intention behind/ perspective/ outlook concerning . . .
dgongs pa la bzhugs pato remain in meditation
dgongs pa lon pato understand
dgongs pa lon pato understand, comprehend, grasp, "reach the intent," arrive at an understanding of [the thought]
dgongs pa lonsangs rgyas thams cad kyi dgongs pa lon - would assimilate the wisdom mind of all the buddhas
dgongs pa lung stonGongpa Lungtön, Sandhi Vyakarana, Tantra That Prophesies Realization. The exposition tantra of the Father Tantra Guhyasamaja
dgongs pa mdzad pabcom ldan 'das rang bzhin gyis gshegs pa'i dgongs pa mdzad pa the Bhagavan made it known that he would be visiting
dgongs pa mdzadto meditate
dgongs pa mi 'gyur ba'i gzerthe stake of unchanging focus
dgongs pa mi 'gyuryour mind will be changeless
dgongs pa nges 'greldgongs pa nges par 'grel pa Sandhi Nirmochana Sutra, The Sutra that Unravels the Intent, Sutra Unraveling the Thought; Unraveling of the Thought Sutra; Sutra of Unraveling the Intent
dgongs pa nges par 'grel paSandhi Nirmochana Sutra, The Sutra that Unravels the Intent, The Sutra Unraveling the Thought; Unraveling of the Thought Sutra; Sutra of Unraveling the Intent
dgongs pa 'pho 'gyur med pachangeless mind
dgongs pa rab gsalillumination of the thought, clear illumination of the intention
dgongs pa rdzogs1) vi. to accomplish fully, to fulfill all [one's wishes, intentions] (h). 2) vi. to die (h). 3) - passing away
dgongs pa rdzogs pato die (honorific); to complete/ fulfill (one's own/ a teacher's) intentions/ mission
dgongs par gyur terealized, understood
dgongs pa rnam bzhifour kinds of intention. The intention directed towards identity mnyam pa nyid la dgongs pa the intention directed towards other meanings don gzhan la dgongs pa or the intention directed towards other times dus gzhan la dgongs pa or and the intention directed towards the thoughts of individuals gang zag gzhan la dgongs pa
dgongs pa rnam dagpure realization
dgongs pas bzung du gsolplease listen! Pay heed!
dgongs pa skong bato fulfill the wishes / intentions of
dgongs pa skyo basadness, weary mind
dgongs pas rigwe can understand, we can see his idea
dgongs pa tshig gsum pa'i rgyudTantra of Realization in Three Words
dgongs pa tshoms pato get angry
dgongs pa tshomsvi. to be angry (h)
dgongs pa yang zabterma revealed by rin chen phun tshogs 'bri gung pa 1509-1557
dgongs pa zab mo nges par 'grel baunraveling of the Profound Thought
dgongs pa zang thalGongpa Sangtal. A tantric scripture in five volumes concealed by Guru Rinpoche and revealed by Rigdzin Gödem, the master who founded the Jangter tradition of the Nyingma school. Contains the renowned 'Aspiration of Samantabhadra.' Gongpa Sangtal means 'Unimpeded realization,' and is an abbreviation of 'Showing Directly the Realization of Samantabhadra' (kun tu bzang po'i dgongs pa zang thal du bstan pa)
dgongs pa zang thal gyi rgyudOpenness of Realization Tantra. A tantric scripture concealed by Guru Rinpoche and revealed by Rigdzin Gödem, the master who revealed the Jangter tradition of the Nyingma school. Contains the renowned 'Aspiration of Samantabhadra.'
dgongs pa zang thalOpenness of Realization Tantra
dgongs pa zang thalOpenness of Realization Tantra; terma text on Dzogchen revealed by rig 'dzin rgod ldem
dgongs pa zhu bato step aside
dgongs pa zhuto take leave, to ask for a leave of absence
dgongs rdzogscommemoration offering
dgongs rdzogsdeath anniversary, memorial, funeral service (h)
dgongs rdzogsfulfilled intentions; ex dgongs rdzogs phyir that his enlightened intentions might be fulfilled
dgongs rgyanmind ornament, adornment of realization; embellishment of realization
dgongs rgyudenlightened mind-stream
dgongs sel zhu bato apologize
dgongs sel zhu bato ask to be forgiven, apologize; Syn bzod gsol zhu ba
dgongs skor zhu bato ask for instruction
dgongs soreflected
dgongs spyod blab paemulating the teacher's realization and actions
dgongs spyod bslab paemulating [the teacher's] realization and actions
dgongs spyod bslab pa la mkhas pato emulates his realization and actions skillfully
dgongs spyod bslab patraining in realization and conduct
dgongs spyod lon pabla ma'i dgongs spyod ji ltar yin pa de rang rgyud la lon par byed dgos he will need to assimilate truly the latter's realization and way of behaving
dgongs spyodthought and deed
dgongs su gsolplease consider give thought to
dgongs su mchiDo what you want!
dgongsunderstand; de la dgongs te understanding all that was happening
dgongsx sprul pa'i skus dgongs ste the nirmanakaya read his mind
dgongs yangsvast mind
dgongs zabprofound intent; deep realization
dgongs zhuleave of absence
dngos grub sgrub la dbang ba'i dgongs pathe intent of mastering the accomplishment of siddhis
dngos grub sgrub pa chen po'i dgongs pathe intent of the great accomplishment of siddhis
do dgongsthis evening
don dgongs pa canintended meaning
don gzhan la dgongs paintention directed towards other meanings
drang nges ldem dgongsthe expedient meaning, the real meaning and the indirect meaning; x drang nges ldem dgongs kyi gsung sna tshogs pa brda' ma 'phrod par bzung na tshig dang don du 'dzol if you remember the teaching without identifying the different levels-the expedient meaning, the real meaning and the indirect meaning-you will be confused about what the words refer to.
dzab dgongs rnam pa bzhithe four intents of recitation
'gal ba brjod pa'i thal 'gyurthe consequence system of contradictory statement
'gal ba'i khyab bya dmigs pa'i thal 'gyur gsumthe three contradictory pervadeds. [From the 9 consequences which are c because of not exiting together [R]
'gal ba'i khyab bya dmigs pa'i thal 'gyurthe consequence of a contradictory pervaded object [1 of the four rang rigs entailed consequences [R]
'gal ba'i rang bzhin dmigs pa'i thal 'gyur gsumthe three consequences of a contradictory nature [Among the 9 kinds of consequences which are contradictory because of non-coexistence lhan cig mi gnas 'gal gyi thal 'gyur dgu [R]
'gal brjod thal 'gyurcontradictory, consequence
gang zag gi bsam pa la dgongs paconsidering the individual inclinations
gang zag gi tshod zang zag gis mi bzungone ordinary persona cannot estimate / measure another [person]
gar thal cha med pavanished
gar thalto vanish
gnad 'gag zanga most crucial and deep point
gnas dgongsceremony for the dead, gnas chog, byang chog, bdun tshig, lho sgo'i cho ga
gnyen po la ldem por dgongs pacovert intention in respect of antidotes. indirect intention of antidote
gnyen po ldem por dgongs pa[TRS 134-3] expl
go sa mtho yang thugs dgongs zab pathough noble he was understanding
go thalashes
go thal mdogash-colored, light grey
bka' dang dgongs 'grelthe [Buddha's] Words and their commentaries
bka' dgongs1) expressed wishes. 2) order. 3) idea. 4) command. 5) judgment. 6) opinion. 7) thought; 1) order, command. 2) judgment, opinion
grol thig dgongs pa rang grolterma revealed by 'phrang mgo gter ston shes rab 'od zer
grol tig dgongs pa rang grolterma by shes rab 'od zer
'gron thalash of a torch/ lamp [as medicine, tasting hot and bitter, heating, eliminating the blood of the 4 kind of swellings, drying up pus and seepage]
gsang bdag dgongs rgyansmin gling lo chen's exegesis of the Guhyagarbha
gser thalcounty in 21th cent Tibet.
gter chen sangs rgyas gling pa'i bla ma dgongs 'dus rnam bshadbla ma dgongs pa 'dus pa'i cho ga'i rnam bzhag dang 'brel ba'i bskyed rdzogs zung 'jug gi sgom khog mkhyen brtse'i me long 'od zer brgya pa, by 'jigs med gling pa rang byung rdo rje (1729 or 30-1798)
gto sgrom 'bum tig gi dgongs don lag len khyer bder bkod pa'i gto yi cho ga bkra shis 'joan explanation of the method for performing the gto rites followed in Tibet; by 'jam mgon 'ju mi pham rgya mtsho (1846-1912)
gu ru'i dgongs rgyan nyin byed snying poa khrid yig to the terma cycle dkon mchog spyi 'dus written by Jamgön Kongtrül
gzhan don du dgongs sngaspassed away too soon, other's benefit
gzhan la grag pa'i rjes dpag 'gal ba brjod pa'i thal 'gyurone of rtags bzhi
gzhan rigs 'phen pa'i thal 'gyur bcu bzhi14 consequences that impell the minds/reasoning of others [R]
gzhed dgongsprobable wrong spelling, see bzhed dgongs
gzhug pa la ldem por dgongs paplan for incarnation, one of the ldem por dgongs pa bzhi four plans
gzhugs pa la ldem por dgongs paThe covert intention with respect to entry into the teaching
gzhugs pa ldem por dgongs pa[TRS 134-1] expl
ha cang thal balogical absurdity
har zangSyn zang thal, 'gags pa med pa
ha thal ches paintensely; to be utterly overwhelmed
'jig rten pa'i zang zingworldly things / possessions
'jig rten pha rol tu thal gda'you have passed away!
ka dag khregs chod kyi dgongs pa ma nor ba rgyud la skyes teexperienced realization of the primordial purity of Trekcho without error
ka dag khregs chod kyi dgongs paTrekchö realization of primordial purity
ka dag zang thal ngangunimpeded state of primordial purity
khams gsum yongs grol gyi dgongs pathe realization of completely liberating the three realms
kha thal1) verbosity. 2) promise. 3) rice or barley particles
kha thal bato promise
bla che dgongs pa rab gsalthe great lama Gongpa Rabsel
bla chen dgongs pa rab gsalLachen Gongpa Rabsel 893-. Tibetan Vinaya master who preserved the Vinaya lineage during the period of disruption in ninth century
'khor phun sum tshogs pa rgyal ba dgongs brgyudthe perfect assembly consists of the mind lineage of the conquerors
bla ma dang dgongs pa mnyam par gyur bahis wisdom became identical with his teacher's
bla ma dgongs 'dusLama Gongdü
bla ma dgongs 'dusLama Gongdü. Cycle revealed by tertön Sangye Lingpa (1340-96) in 18 volumes of approximately 700 pages each. Lama Gongdü means 'embodiment of the master's realization.'
bla ma dgongs 'dus rnam bshadbla ma dgongs pa 'dus pa'i cho ga'i rnam bzhag dang 'brel ba'i bskyed rdzogs zung 'jug gi sgom khog mkhyen brtse'i me long 'od zer brgya pa - gter chen sangs rgyas gling pa'i bla ma dgongs 'dus rnam bshad by 'jigs med gling pa rang byung rdo rje - (1729 or 30-1798)
bla ma dgongs pa 'dus pa'i cho ga'i rnam bzhag dang 'brel ba'i bskyed rdzogs zung 'jug gi sgom khog mkhyen brtse'i me long 'od zer brgya pagter chen sangs rgyas gling pa'i bla ma dgongs 'dus rnam bshad by 'jigs med gling pa rang byung rdo rje - (1729 or 30-1798)
bla ma dgongs pa 'dus paLama Gongpapa
khyab byed dang 'gal ba'i khyab bya dmigs pa'i thal 'gyurthe consequence of an observance of a pervaded object that contradicts the pervader
khyab byed ma dmigs pa'i thal 'gyurthe consequence of non-observation of a pervader
khyab par thalthe pervasion follows consequently!
'bras bu dmigs pa'i thal 'gyurconsequence of the fruition object [one of the; 14) consequences entailed by the reasoning of the other, [R]
'bras bu dmigs pa'i thal 'gyurPrasangika aimed at the result
brgya phrag thal baover a hundred
brjed thallong forgotten
brjod med kyi rig pa zang thalan indescribable directly penetrating awareness
brtse bas dgongsconsider us with loving-kindness
bsgyur ba la ldem por dgongs paPlan for the transformation, one of the ldem por dgongs pa bzhi four plans, covert intention in respect of interpretation. indirect purpose of transformation
bsgyur ba ldem por dgongs pa[TRS 134-4] expl
bshad rgyud mdo dgongs pa 'dus parevealing tantra teaching of the gathering of wisdom
bsnyen pa'i dgongs pathe intent of approach
bsnyen sgrub dzap dgongs chig drilthe recitation intents of approach and accomplishment combined into one
byang gter dgongs pa zang thalterma by rig 'dzin rgod kyi ldem 'phru can dngos grub rgyal mtshan
byang zang zang lha bragthe place in the southern part of Central Tibet where dgongs pa zang thal was revealed
byon thalhas passed by
bzhud de thal. has gone
bzhud par dgongsintend to leave, depart
bzlas pa'i dzap dgongsintent of recitation