byi tang ga

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medicinal fruit effective against worms [JV]

(med) False peppers, Vidanga. Synonyms : bi tangga (Shel gong), bi ta ka (Molvray 1988). Skt.: vidaṅga (Dash 1989), viḍaṅga, vella (Pandanus)
byi tang ga yis srin sel me drod skyed / ces par rtsis nyi zla'i 'khor lo las / byi tang ga ni tsha zhing rno ste srin dang skya rbab sel te rno bas 'khru / zhes dang / rang byung pas / byi tang ga dang ma ru rtse / srin nad sel ba'i sman du gsungs / zhes pa'i ming ni / bi tangga zer / 'khrung dper / byi tang ga zhes bya ba'i sman / sdong po phra la ring ba ste / lo ma skya chung rtsub pa yin / me tog sngo dmar chung ba la / 'bras bu sran ma sad khyer 'dra / ro ni skyur la mngar ba yin / rang nus 'bru res srin bu yi / grong khyer bco brgyad 'joms par nus / zhes ba 'bras bu dmar skya stong pa 'dra bas seng sgra sgrogs pa sran ma tsam pa de'o // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 197.5)
byi tang ga ni / sdong po phra ring lo ma skya chung rtsub pa / me tog sngo dmar chung du can gyi 'bras bu dmar skya stong pa 'dra pas ser sgra sgrog pa la ro skyur la mngar ba'o / rtsis nyi ela'i 'khor lo las / byi tang ga ni tsha zhing rno ste srin dang skya rbab sel te rno bas 'khru / zhes pas srin sel me drod skyed // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, pdf p 113)

Illustrations : 'Phrin Las 1987 (26_090) byi tang ga (35_011) byi tang ga (35_037) byi tang ga

1. Embelia ribes Burm.f. (Primulaceae), False pepper, Vidanga (Drungtso 1999)
2. Embelia laeta (L.) Mez (Primulaceae) (Wangyal 2020)
3. Embelia parviflora Wall. ex A.DC. (Primulaceae) (Molvray 1988 M)
4. Myrsine semiserrata Wall. (Primulaceae), Blueberry myrtle (Wangchuk 2011 Bhutan)

byi tang ka (False peppers) comes after the notice of pi pi ling (peppers) in the Shel gong. Embelia is a genus of climbing shrubs.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 04:50, 3 March 2024 (EST)