Yolmo Tulku Rigdzin Wangyal Dorje

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yol mo sprul sku rig 'dzin dbang rgyal rdo rje

4th gonjang.gif

Short biography

  • b. 1647 [RY]

The fourth Yolmowa Rigzin Wangyal Dorje was recognized as a reincarnation of the 3rd Yolmo Terton Tenzin Norbu. At the age of 11 he accomplished reading, writing and all of the major and minor sciences. At the age of 13 he was ordained by the Great 5th Dalai Lama, who named him Zilnon Wangyal Dorje. The 5th Dalai Lama gave him all of the Jangter lineage teachings, transmissions and empowerments. Thereafter, he devoted himself completely to preserving the lineage and tradition of the Northern Treasures. With a personal interest on specifically the great Vajrakilaya practice of the Jangter Lineage.

The king of Yambu honoured him as had been done in the past, and restoration work of the great stupa was maintained and consecreted twice during which many auspicious miracles occured and was witnessed by the gathering there. Any interested persons may see and read his full autobiography which is available in the library of Gonjang Monastery in Gangtok, Sikkim.

A student of the mNga’-ris gter-ston Zla-ba rgyal-mtshan, [39] also known as Padma gar-dbang-rtsal or Gar-dbang rdo-rje (1640-1685), among whose many gter ma discoveries was the important Vajrakila cycle known as the sPu-gri reg-gcod, Zil-gnon dbang-rgyal rdo-rje was the author of a number of minor works (thor bu) which were subsequently gathered together by his disciples and transmitted as a single-volume collection (gsung thor bu). A volume of his “autobiographical reminiscences” (rnam thar dang bka’ ’bum) was also kept in the library of the dGon-pa-byan sprul-sku. This includes five large biographical texts in which he records his various visionary experiences and Dharma activities, from which we may hope to learn more about this master in the future.

Among his disciples was the incumbent throne-holder (zhabs drung) of rDo-dmar, Mi-’gyur rdo-rje of gNya’-lam, born in 1675. A renowned master of the Northern Treasures, 63 of his texts survive.

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