kārīṣi? (4760)

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Entry 4760, Page 179, Col. 1
(kArIzi, kArIzi)
[kārīṣi?¦ form and mg. doubtful, in refrain pāda: kārīṣi (so the mss. seem clearly to indicate; sometimes they read °ṣu, and other vv.ll.) dattvā jinacetiyeṣu Mv ii.384.17, repeated 21, 385.3, 7, 11, 19, 23. A parallel vs occurring in the midst of these, 385.15, has (na) tailavinduṃ jina- stūpe dattvā; and in a following vs 386.1 tailasya vinduṃ jinacetiyeṣu occurs. This suggests that possibly tālīśa (°śu, for °śaṃ?) should be read, = Pali tālīsa, tālissa, a ‘powder or ointment’ (PTSD) made from the plant named in Skt. tālīśa; tālīśa occurs, perhaps in this mg. (associated with tailam), in Mvy 5787, see s.v. It seems at any rate appro- priate; some oily substance used in decorating a caitya is indicated.]


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