Drubtob Lodrö Chogden
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Drubtob Lodrö Chogden (drub thob blo gros mchog ldan)
File:027-Drubtob Lodrö Chogden-sm.jpg
Drubtob Lodrö Chogden
Important figure in the transmission of of the Drukpa Kagyu school.
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Literary Works
Main Teachers
- Drukpa Yeshe Rinchen (ye shes rin chen)
Main Students
- Drukpa Sherab Zangpo
Main Lineages
Alternate Names
Other Reference Sources
- Author: dge 'dun rin chen [1926-1997] ('brug rje mkhan po 69); Title: dpal ldan 'brug pa'i gdul zhing lho phyogs nags mo'i ljongs kyi chos 'byung blo gsar rna ba'i rgyan (lho yi chos 'byung blo gsar rna rgyan).
Internal Links
External Links
- blo gros mchog ldan TBRC P5804