Khyab 'jug
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Vishnu/ All-Pervasive/ Omnipresent/ Omnipotent Lord [RB]
Vishnu. Probably 'the Pervader'; as preserver of the universe, he forms part of the Hindu triad of gods, with Brahma the creator and Shiva the destroyer. 2) Syn gza' rA hu la 3) rule [RY]
1) Vishnu [bram ze rnams kyis 'jig rten byed por 'dzin pa'i lha zhig ste snod bcud thams cad la khyab pas khyab dang 'jug pa bcu'i sgo nas bya ba la 'jug pas 'jug zer,...syn: skra can gsod dang, go pin da, dga' ba'idbang po, 'gro ba'i tog 'jig pa bcu pa, nye dbang, tha gu'i ltocan, thig le drug pa, nabs so skyes, pad ma'i lte ba, dpa' bo'irgyud, dpal gyi bdag po, dpal gyi be'us mtshan, dpal gyi lag pa, dbyig gi lte ba, sbyor ba brgya ba, mi yi theg pa, mi'u thung,'og dbang skyes, gyung drung can, gyo med glang rdzi, sred med bu]; 2) planet Rahula) [IW]
1) Vishnu; 2) planet Rahula [IW]
Vishnu, All-Pervading One, spread [JV]
1) Viṣṇu, the All-Pervasive One; 2) epithet of Rāhula [Erick Tsiknopoulos]