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- 'thab
- 'thab 'bral
- 'thab 'bras
- 'thab 'bu
- 'thab 'dzing
- 'thab 'dzing 'bod tshig
- 'thab 'dzing byed
- 'thab 'dzing byed pa
- 'thab 'dzing can
- 'thab 'dzing dmag
- 'thab 'dzing dpa' bo
- 'thab 'dzing drag po
- 'thab 'dzing gi byas 'bras
- 'thab 'dzing gi byas rjes
- 'thab 'dzing gi glu zhas
- 'thab 'dzing gi rang bzhin
- 'thab 'dzing gi rang bzhin yod pa'i 'bod skul
- 'thab 'dzing gi rnam pa
- 'thab 'dzing gi spyod tshul
- 'thab 'dzing gi stobs shugs
- 'thab 'dzing gnam gru
- 'thab 'dzing gru gzings
- 'thab 'dzing nus shugs
- 'thab 'dzing pa
- 'thab 'dzings
- 'thab 'dzings byed sa
- 'thab 'khor
- 'thab 'khrug
- 'thab 'khrug byed
- 'thab 'obs
- 'thab ber
- 'thab bral
- 'thab bral sogs bzhi
- 'thab byed gnam gru
- 'thab byus
- 'thab byus kyi dgongs don
- 'thab byus kyi grong sde
- 'thab byus thog nas 'gog srung
- 'thab chas
- 'thab dang rtsod gzhi can gyi nor
- 'thab grogs
- 'thab jus
- 'thab jus kyi dgongs don
- 'thab jus kyi grong sde
- 'thab jus thog nas 'gog srung
- 'thab krol
- 'thab krol can
- 'thab mi
- 'thab mo
- 'thab mo'i 'dun sa
- 'thab mo 'gyed pa
- 'thab mo ba
- 'thab mo byed pa
- 'thab mo byung ba
- 'thab mo can ma
- 'thab na mi rgyal med pa
- 'thab na mi rgyal med pa'i mtshon cha
- 'thab pa
- 'thab pa'i lag cha
- 'thab pa 'dum na
- 'thab pa dang bcas pa
- 'thab pa dang ldan
- 'thab pa med cing
- 'thab pa med cing shi ba
- 'thab phyogs
- 'thab phyogs gcig gyur
- 'thab phyogs gcig sgral
- 'thab phyogs mnyam 'brel
- 'thab po
- 'thab ra
- 'thab ra 'phrod pa
- 'thab rags
- 'thab rgol
- 'thab rgol byed
- 'thab rol
- 'thab rtsal
- 'thab rtsod
- 'thab rtsod byed
- 'thab rtsod byed pa
- 'thab rtsod chung chung
- 'thab rtsod dang bral ba
- 'thab rtsod gyi gzhas
- 'thab rtsod gyi mdun sar
- 'thab rtsod gyi mdun sar langs
- 'thab rtsod sdug bsngal
- 'thab shugs
- 'thab thig
- 'thab ya
- 'thab ya mi byed pa
- 'thab yas
- 'thab zla
- 'thabs pa
- 'thabs sbyos