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  • Gyergom Chenpo Zhonnu Drakpa (category Shugseb Kagyu Masters)
    as the founder of the Shugseb Kagyu school. Please expand this page by pressing EDIT above. Phagmo Drupa Kagyu Shugseb Kagyu Kagyu
    731 bytes (51 words) - 12:13, 2 January 2006
  • of Phagmo Drupa: Taglung Kagyu Trophu Kagyu Drukpa Kagyu Martsang Kagyu Yelpa Kagyu Yazang Kagyu Shugseb Kagyu Drikung Kagyu A separate lineage was introduced
    5 KB (655 words) - 09:37, 7 July 2009
  • Shugseb Kagyu (category Kagyu)
    Shugseb Kagyu The Shugseb Kagyu lineage (shug gseb) was established by Gyergom Chenpo Zhonnu Drakpa (gyer sgom chen po gzhon nu grags pa, 1090-1171). He
    460 bytes (59 words) - 12:14, 2 January 2006
  • Phakchok Rinpoche (category Taklung Kagyu)
    Tsalpa Kagyu. These are renowned as the Four Greater Kagyu traditions. In addition there is the Dakpo Kagyu which originated from succession of masters, the
    17 KB (2,586 words) - 06:23, 8 January 2006
  • Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche (category Buddhist Masters)
    Rinpoche and other masters of the Kagyu school. While staying at the Sechen Monastery in Nepal he served for seven years as vajra master and professor. When
    14 KB (2,262 words) - 13:35, 25 January 2009