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A list of all pages that have property "English-Definition" with value "[Sudarṡana]/ Beautiful; good-looking; beautiful to behold.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1077  + ([Citta maṇḍala]/ The Mind Mandala. The divine [maṇḍala] visualized and retained in concentration meditation.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1034  + ([Daṡa balapāramitā]/ The ten perfections o[Daṡa balapāramitā]/ The ten perfections of powers.\n1){bsam pa'i stobs/}[āṡaya bala]/ the power of intention\n2){lhag pa'i bsam pa'i stobs/}[adhyāṡaya bala]/ the power of resolute intention\n3){gzungs kyi stobs/}[dhāraṇī bala]/ the power of retention\n4){ting nge 'dzin gyi stobs/}[samādhi bala]/ the power of concentration\n5){yang dag par 'byor ba'i stobs/} [saṁyak prayoga bala]/ the power of perfect application\n6){dbang gi stobs/} the power of authority\n7){spobs pa'i stobs/} [pratibhana bala]/ the power of confidence\n8){smon lam gyi stobs/} [praṇidhāna bala]/ the power of prayers\n9){byams pa chen po dang snying rje chen pa'i stobs/} [mahāmaitrī mahākaruṇā bala]/ the power of great love and compassion\n10){de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi byis rlabs pa'i stobs/}[sarva tathāgata adhiṣṭhāna bala]/the power of the blessings of all the Buddhas.power of the blessings of all the Buddhas.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1110  + ([Daṡa mahāyāna kalyāṇamitra guṇāḥ]/ The te[Daṡa mahāyāna kalyāṇamitra guṇāḥ]/ The ten qualities of a [mahāyāna] spiritual master.\n1){lhag pa tshul khrims kyi bslob pas dul ba/} in his higher training of discipline he is humble\n2){lhag pa ting nge 'jin gyi bslab pas zhi ba/} his higher training of concentration he is peaceful\n3){lhag pa shes rab kyi bslab pas nye bar zhi ba/} in his higher training of wisdom he has pacified his ego\n4){lung gi yon tan gyis phyug pa/} he is rich in lineages and oral teachings\n5){stong pa nyid rtogs pa/} has realized emptiness\n6){slob ma las yon tan lhag pa/} he has higher qualities than his disciples\n7){smra mkhas pa/} he is skillful in teaching\n8){brtse ba dang ldan pa/} he is compassionate\n9){brtson 'grus dang lngan pa/} he is hard working\n10) {'khor ba la skyo ngal bskyed du bcug pa/} he inspires aversion of cyclic existence. he inspires aversion of cyclic existence.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/991  + ([Dvādaṡāṅga pratītyasamutpāda]/ The twelve[Dvādaṡāṅga pratītyasamutpāda]/ The twelve links of dependent origination. 1){ma rig pa/} [avidyā]/ ignorance 2){'du byed kyi las/} [saṁskāra]/ connecting karma 3){rnam shes/ }[vijñānam]/ consciousness 4){ming gzugs/} [nāma rūpam]/ name and form 5){skye mched} [āyatanam]/ sources of perception 6){reg pa/} [sparṡa]/contact 7){tshor ba} [vedanā]/feeling 8){sred pa/} [tṛṣṇā]/ craving 9){len pa/} [upādānam]/ grasping 10) {srid pa/} [bhava]/ existence 11){skye ba} [jāti]/ birth 12) {rgashi}[] jarā maraṇam]/ aging and death.{rgashi}[] jarā maraṇam]/ aging and death.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/454  + ([Eka daṡa kuṡala`ni]/ Eleven virtuous ment[Eka daṡa kuṡala`ni]/ Eleven virtuous mental factors.\n1. {dad pa/} [ṡraddhā]/ faith\n2. {ngo tsha shes pa/} [hrī]/sense of shame\n3. {khrel yod pa/} [apaltavyam]/ sense of dread of blame\n4. {'dod chags med pa/} [alobha]/ lack of desire\n5. {zhe sdang med pa/} [adveṣa]/ lack of hatred\n6. {gti mug med pa/} [amoha]/ lack of stupidity\n7. {brtson 'grus/} [vīrya]/ virtuous effort\n8. {bag yod/} [apramāda]/ conscientiousness\n9. {shin sbyangs/} [praṡrabdhi]/ suppleness\n10. {btang snyoms/} [upekṣā]/ equanimity 11 {rnam par mi 'tshe ba/} [ahiṁsa]/ not harming others.i 'tshe ba/} [ahiṁsa]/ not harming others.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1701  + ([Ekadaṡendriyāṇi]/ Eleven faculties.\n1-5. {dbang po lnga /} the five sense powers (see {dbang po drug} 1-5)\n6. {kha/} mouth\n7. {lag pa/} hands 8.{_rkang pa/} feet 9.{_rkub/} anus 10. {gsang gnas/} secret organs\n11. {yid dbang /} faculty of mind.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/133  + ([Ekakṣaṇa]/ Momentary. An impermanent thing—the definition of impermanence.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1617  + ([Ikṣvāku]/ The sugarcane descendant. An epithet for Buddha [ṡākyamuni] whose ancestral lineage is traced to a child born of an egg that was dropped from semen which had dripped onto a sugarcane leaf.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1181  + ([Itivṛttika]/ Legendary teachings. One of the twelve scriptural categories of Buddha's teachings reaching its audience through legends.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/165  + ([Janma nirmaṇakāya]/ The Emanation Body of a Buddha by birth. The way a Buddha takes an emanated form of a god, animal, bridge and living beings in order to tame sentient beings.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/182  + ([Jātaka]/ Life stories ([jātakas]); rebirth stories. Accounts of Bodhisattva practices that Buddha encountered in his previous lives; a geniune examplary teaching.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/163  + ([Jāti]/ The birth-state; birth. One of the four states of existences of a being (see {srid pa bzhi}) in genial; for human beings, the very moment of conception in the mother's womb.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/127  + ([Lalanā]/ The left energy channel. The lef[Lalanā]/ The left energy channel. The left channel in our body which is white in colour and stands adjacent to the central channel. It runs from the level of The eyebrows to the point between the navel. The specific details vary according to the lineage of the practice concerned. to the lineage of the practice concerned.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/218  + ([Lapanā]/ Flattery. One of the five means of wrong livelihood (see {log 'atso Ing}), getting someone to give you something by flattering him or her.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1101  + ([Mahāyāna bhavanā mārga karaṇa]/ The function of the\n[mahāyāna] path of meditation; the benefits derived through meditation on the [mahāyāna] path of meditation.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1100  + ([Mahāyāna pratipatti bhāvanā mārga]/ The [mahāyāna] path of meditation of achievement. The uncontaminated [mahāyāna] path of meditation which is a cause for the attainment of the realizations of the first to the tenth level ofthe Bodhisattva's path.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1106  + ([Mahāyāna ārya]/ A [mahāyānist] Noble Being; a [mahāyāna ārya] A practitioner of the greater vehicle on or above the path of seeing who has gained direct insight into emptiness.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1099  + ([Mahāyāna]/ The Greater Vehicle. The Bodhi[Mahāyāna]/ The Greater Vehicle. The Bodhisattva vehicle leading to full enlightenment and is superior in seven ways (see {chen po bdun}) from the lower vehicles of the Hearers and Solitary Realizers. It has two types:\n1){phar phyin theg pa/} the perfection vehicle\n2){sngags kyi theg pa/} the secret mantrayana vehicle.i theg pa/} the secret mantrayana vehicle.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/957  + ([Moha]/ Closed-mindedness; ignorance. An active misconception or a negative mental state obstructing (he knowledge of reality.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1071  + ([Mokṣa]/ [nirvāṇa]; state of liberation. Freedom from the sufferings of cyclic existence through overcoming the obscurations to liberation ({nyon sgrib}). A state of peace, and the primary goals of the [ṡrāvakas] and Pratyeka buddhas.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1070  + ([Mūlasarvāstivāda] School. One of the eigh[Mūlasarvāstivāda] School. One of the eighteen Hinayana schools. They assert all phenomena as included in the five categories (see- {gzhi lnga}), recite [sūtra]s in Sanskrit, their abbots are necessarily those belonging to the king's lineage, their multi-patched yellow upper shawl bears a wheel or lotus symbol, their [bikṣus] bear surnames with bhadra or Hridhya, they assert the three times as substantially existent, and they propound that through meditation on the selflessness of person and the accumulation of merits for three countless aeons an individual gains full enlightenment. There are seven sub-schools of this tradition (see- {gzhi thams cad yod par smra ba'i sde pa bdun}).thams cad yod par smra ba'i sde pa bdun}).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/971  + ([Nitya]/ Permanence; unconditioned phenomena which are not dependent on causes and conditions.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/944  + ([Samādhi maṇḍala]/ The concentration [maṇḍala]. The single-pointed concentration of visualizing the entire [maṇḍala].)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/949  + ([Samādhi sattva]/ The concentration being. The visualization of a seed syllable or implement at the heart of the wisdom being in the deity one has visualized.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1004  + ([Soḍaṡa kudṛṣṭayaḥ]/ The sixteen wrong vie[Soḍaṡa kudṛṣṭayaḥ]/ The sixteen wrong views; the view that; 1){bdag 'das pa'i dus na byung bar lta ba/} the self has existed in the past 2){bdag 'das pa'i dus na ma byung bar lta ba/} the self id not exist in the past 3){bdag 'das pa'i dus na byung ba dang ma byung ba gnyis ka yin par lta ba/} the self has both existed and not existed in the past 4){bdag 'das pa'i dus na byung ba dang ma byung ba gnyis ka ma yin par lta ba/} the self has neither existed nor not existed in the past 5){'jig rten rtag par lta ba/} the world is permanent 6){'jig rten mi rtag par lta ba/} the world is impermanent 7){'jig rten rtag pa dang mi rtag pa gnyis ka yin par lta ba/} the world is both permanent and impermanent 8){'jig rten rtag pa dang mi rtag pa gnyis ka min par lta ba/} the world is neither permanent nor not impermanent 9){bdag ma 'ongs pa'i dus na 'byung bar lta ba/} the self will exist in the future 10){bdag ma 'ongs pa'i dus na mi 'byung bar lta ba/} the self will not exist in the future 11){bdag ma 'ongs pa'i dus na 'byung ba dang mi 'byung ba gnyis ka yin par lta ba/} the self will both exist and not exist in the future 12){bdag ma 'ongs pa'i dus na 'byung ba dang mi 'byung ba gnyis ka min par lta ba/} the self will neither exist nor not exist in the future 13){'jig rten mtha' dang ldan par lta ba/} the world has an end 14){'jig rten mtha' dang mi ldan par lta ba/} the world has no end 15){'jig rten mtha' dang ldan pa dang mi ldan pa gnyis ka yin par lta ba/} the world has both an end and no end 16){'jig rten mtha' dang ldan pa dang mi ldan pa gnyis ka min par lta ba/} the world has neither an end nor no end.} the world has neither an end nor no end.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/993  + ([Tarkika]/ Dialectician; logician. Those who explain the hidden nature of phenomena through reasonings.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/977  + ([Tri hetvābhāsa]/The three wrong reasons. 1){ma grub pa'i rtags/} [asiddhahetu]/ unestablished reason 2){'gal ba'i rtags/} [viruddhahetu]/ contradictory reason 3){ma nges pa'i rtags/} [Anaikāntika-hetu]/ uncertain reason.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/978  + ([Tri saṁyag hetavaḥ]/ The three correct re[Tri saṁyag hetavaḥ]/ The three correct reasons. 1){'brangs rtags yang dag} [kārya hetu]/ correct reason of effect 2){rang bzhin gyi rtags yang dag} [svabhāva hetu]/ correct reason of nature\n3. {ma dmigs pa'i rtags yang dag} [anupalabdhi hetu]/ correct reason of non-cognition.hi hetu]/ correct reason of non-cognition.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1098  + ([Tri viciktsā]/ The three types of doubt.\n1){don 'gyur gyi the tshom/} doubt inclining towards fact/ factual doubt\n2){don mi 'gyur gyi the tshom/} doubt inclining away from fact/ non-factual doubt\n3){cha mnyam pa'i the tshom/} evently balanced doubt.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/964  + ([Tyāgānusmṛti]/ Recollection of giving. The reflection on giving and the qualities of giving.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1063  + ([Upāya maṇḍala]/ The method [maṇḍala]. The[Upāya maṇḍala]/ The method [maṇḍala]. The [maṇḍala]s representing paths:\n1){rdul mtshon gyi dkyil 'khor/} sand powdered [maṇḍala]\n2){ras bris kyi dkyil 'khor/} [maṇḍala] painted on cloths\n3){tshom bu'i dkyil 'khor/} heaped up [maṇḍala] (this could be just a heap of sand, grains, stones or metal erected for the purpose of representing a [maṇḍala]). the purpose of representing a [maṇḍala]).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1064  + ([Upāya yāna]/ The method vehicle. The tantric path is known as the method vehicle due its four special features (see- {gsang sngags kyi khyad chos bzhi}) that makes it superior in comparison to the perfection vehicle.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/996  + ([Vitarka]/ 1. Rough investigation. 2. Conceptualization or imagination. 3. Chapter. 4. Conceptual awareness.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1040  + ([Vrata]/ Ascetic practices. A term used to[Vrata]/ Ascetic practices. A term used to denote acts of penance involving religious practices; often associated with torturing one's body and exposing it to physical hardship for the attainment of spiritual goals. For a true Buddhist, these extreme practices are forbidden, however in tantric practice they are sometimes deemed necessary.ctice they are sometimes deemed necessary.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/960  + ([Vrṣikā]/ The square cloth for wrapping the yellow robes of monks and nuns.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1054  + ([Vyavahāra]/ Name; terms; jargon; convention.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1056  + ([Vyavahārasatya]/ The conventional truth. A phenomenon that is real only to an ordinary consciousness, i.e. to a consciousness other than the meditative equipoise of an exalted being ([ārya]).)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1262  + ([[sūtra]]/ the Discourses. The classification of Buddha's teachings, other than his tannic teachings, dealing with the gradual way of enlightenment.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1784  + ([aSuddha māyakāya]/ Impure illusory body. A completion stage practice of tantra in which a meditator establishes the lack of non-inherent existence of all phenomena and their illusory nature of appearances.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/680  + ([abhidharma piṭaka]/ The basket of teaching on knowledge ([abhidharmapiṭaka]). That category of Buddha's teachings which reveals malnly the instruction on higher training of wisdom.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/765  + ([abhidharma]/ The knowledge. The set of teachings and treatises concerning the training of higher wisdom and the study of metaphysics and cosmology.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/852  + ([abhidhāna ṡabda]/ Expressive sound. Synonymous with sound that reveals meaning to sentient beings, e.g. the expression 'impermanence'.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/478  + ([abhiprāya]/ A. Thought, idea or view point. B. Honorific for mind. С The essential point. D. Permission.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1692  + ([abhiṣekha]/ Initiation; empowerment. A tantric ceremony in which a lama empowers his disciples to engage in higher practices of tantra through ripening their mental continuum.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/1776  + ([abhrāntajñāna] Unmistaken perception; non-deceptive cognition. An awareness that is unmistaken with respect to its appearing object, e.g. the first moment that eye sense perception cognizes a tree.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/150  + ([abhyākhyāna]/ Depreciation; underestimation. The assertion of the existence of something that does not exist conventionally, or to under rate somebody's qualities below deserving limits. For instance, asserting the non-existence of the law of causality.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/671  + ([abhāva svabhāva pūrva prayoga]/ The serial training in the entitylessness of phenomena. The Bodhisattva path from the [mahāyāna] path of accumulation upto the moment preceding the last instant of the path of meditation.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/667  + ([abhāva svabhāva ṡūnyata]/ The emptiness of reality of that which lacks true existence. One of the sixteen emptinesses.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/666  + ([abhāva ṡūnyata]/ The emptiness of non-things; the emptiness of impermanent phenomena, e.g. emptiness of nirvana. One of the eighteen emptinesses.)
  • Dictionaries/Tsepak Rigdzin/173  + ([adhama puruṣa mārga]/ The paths of a person of small scope. The intent or wish for, primarily, seeking a higher rebirth within cyclic existence ([saṁsara]) for the sake of oneself alone.)