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- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/24570 + (traditional interpretation by the lineage; oral tradition / lineage; oral tradition)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/bcom ldan 'das + (transcendent accomplished conqueror/ "Blessed One" [usual renderning in Western translations, esp.from sutra tradition])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/29018 + (two types of oral tradition [of [[man ngag sde]] … two types of oral tradition [of [[man ngag sde]]. two subdivisions of the Oral Tradition category of the Instruction Section. The Oral Tradition which Permeates All Discourses [[gleng ba yongs la bor ba'i kha gtam]] and the Oral Tradition which is Divulged in Speech At Uncertain Times [[khar phog dus med pa'i kha gtam]][[khar phog dus med pa'i kha gtam]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/8397 + (two works of Maitreya: dbus dang mtha' rnam par 'byed pa'i bstan bcos/ chos dang chos dang nyid rnam par 'byed pa'i bstan bcos)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/12464 + (vow, promise; oath, pledge, promise, thesis, true cessations, vow, disputation, assertation, claim; vow, promise, pledge; thesis, disputation, assertation, claim; author's promise, the author's statement of purpose to his readers)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/14625 + (vows of a lay devotee. 1) [[srog gcod pa song ba]] … vows of a lay devotee. 1) [[srog gcod pa song ba]] do not kill. 2) [[ma byin par len spong ba]] do not steal. 3) [['dod pas log par g.yem pa spong ba]] do not be sexually impure. 4) [[brdzun du smra ba spong ba]] do not lie. 5) [[myos par 'gyur ba'i btung ba spong ba]] do not become intoxicated[[myos par 'gyur ba'i btung ba spong ba]] do not become intoxicated)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/9671 + (way of arising byung rim gyi gnas lugs, ...'Jig rten gyi chags tshul,...Grong rdal gyi thog ma'i chags tshul,...Ri klung gi chags tshul,...Gzugs dbyibs chags tshul,...Sdod khang chags tshul])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/9670 + (way of arising byung rim gyi gnas lugs ['Jig rten gyi chags tshul,...Grong rdal gyi thog ma'i chags tshul,...Ri klung gi chags tshul,...Gzugs dbyibs chags tshul,...Sdod khang chags tshul])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/01-Hopkins2015/8701 + (wise; skilled; be skillful; scholar)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/21276 + (wounded. Syn [[gnad pa]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/21280 + (wounded; [[gnad la reg pa]] wounded)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/24860 + (written by [['jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas]]; in Vol 1)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/24859 + (written by [['jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas]]; in Vol 1)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/24858 + (written by [['jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas]]; in Vol 1)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/3289 + (x [[blang dor gyi gnad shes]] know what we should and should not do)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/2632 + ({C}turn back; recede; revulsion; withdrawn from worldly activity; turning back (towards); one goes back on; turning away from; withdrawal from activity; coming back; {GD:89} difference; {GD:237} differential (dge lugs); particularizer (sa skya); {GD:275})
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5771 + ({GD:622} "means and result (knowledge)", a topic in the logico-epistemological tradition concerning the grammatical distinction between pramāṇa and pramiti)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5691 + ({GD:843} Gong-drul-lo-drö-ta-yay's (kong sprul blo gros mtha yas) The Encyclopedia, a Treatise Compiled from all Vehicles Excellently Teaching the Triple Training, the Treasury of the Scriptures. New Delhi: Śata-piṭaka series LXXX (1970).)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/4201 + ({GD:846} Paṇ-chen S#ö-nam-drak-b#a's (paṇ chen bsod nams grags pa) The Throat Ornament of Clear-minded Scholars Composed by the Mighty Scholar Sö-nam-drak-ba called Commentary on the Teaching, the Complete Revealer of the Thought of the Extensive Treatise)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/4609 + ({GD:ix,xiii} N#gok Lo-d#za-wa L#o-den-s#hay-rap (1059-1109), a G#a-dam-b#a author on epistemology)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/4608 + ({GD:ix,xiii} N#gok-lek-b#ay-s#hay-rap (circa 11th c.), a G#a-dam-b#a author on epistemology)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/511 + ({GD:x,xii} U-yuk-ba-rig-bay-seng-gay (?-1253), a Sa-kya author on epistemology)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/3577 + ({GD:xii,845}Nga-w#ang-chö-drak [1572-1641, a S#a-g#ya author on epistemology])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5754 + ({GD:xii,848} Tuk-je-bel-sang (15th c.), a Sa-skya author on epistemology)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/01-Hopkins2015/17308 + (Śāntideva [p.n.; the author of Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds (byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa) and the Compendium of Learnings (bslab pa kun las btus pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa)])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/17493 + ('dul nag pa; scholar of dge lugs pa tradition; author of [[gsang 'dus dka' gnad mtha' gcod]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/17493 +
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/7374 + ('jam dpal chos kyi bstan 'dzin 'phrin las - author of [['dzam gling rgyas bshad]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/01-Hopkins2015/3286 + ((1) to be cut off; (2) imp. of gcod, to cut)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/25389 + ((1212-1273); revealed [[gsang 'dus bla ma'i thugs sgrub]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/26583 + ((16th cent); author of [[byams pa'i smon lam gyi 'grel pa]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/88 + ((1852-1910), alias [[dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho]]; author of [[byang chub bde lam gyi khrid dmigs skyong tshul shin tu gsal bar bkod pa dge legs 'od snang 'gyed pa'i nyin byed]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/3996 + ((1926-) author of a detailed commentary on the hevajra tantra)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/25327 + ((Skt.) secret. Syn [[gsang ba]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/3921 + ((b. 1228); author of [[rdzogs chen gser gyi thur ma]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/thag bcad pa + (/ chod/ gcod pa - to decide/ reach a decision; decisive experience; determination)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/10727 + (1) Dharmakirti. n. of a logician, author of [[tshad ma sde bdun]]. 2) [['bri gung rig 'dzin]] b. 1595)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/28532 + (1) Gyalwa Karmapa. 2) Karma Trinley; a great scholar in the Kagyü Lineage; Karma Trinleypa, one of Dakpo Tashi Namgyal's teachers)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/10932 + (1) Highest [mundane] qualities / attribute. One of [[nges byed cha mthun bzhi]], Abbr. of [['jig rten pa'i chos kyi mchog]] supreme phenomenon on the path of connection. 2) Dharmottara, [author of Nyaya-bindu-tika])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/28109 + (1) Jonang Tradition. 2) Jonang, in Tsang)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/2351 + (1) Kadam Geshe. 2) the great masters of the Kadampa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/2667 + (1) Katsal Gompa. 2) one of the four [[mtha' 'dul gyi gtsug lag khang]]. build at the time of Songtsen Gampo at Maldro Gungkar)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/9831 + (1) Rma'i rtsa rgyus gcod byed kyi yo byad cig; 2) [arch] hooked knife, potter's khye bo, scissors, shears)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/23511 + (1) Syn [[grub mtha']]. 2) established conclusion / finality / viewpoint, tenet, philosophical school, belief, doctrinal views. 3) Syn [[thar pa'i blo gros]] resolution for liberation, determination to obtain freedom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/6266 + (1) The three incalculable aeons. 2) the th … 1) The three incalculable aeons. 2) the three great incalculable aeons. 3) according to Abhidharma tradition a period longer than a sixty digit number of years is counted as one incalculable aeon. 4) hence. 5) thrice the incalculable aeon is three great incalculable aeonsble aeon is three great incalculable aeons)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/21836 + (1) Yoke holder <yugandhara [among the gser gyi ri bdun, 1 of 7 rings of mountains surrounding the four continents] nyi zla 'char sa'i rtse mo na rock like the yoke of a chariot, ngos su dpag tsad 320,000 &, mtha' skor du 1,280,000]; 2) (met) chariot))
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/21835 + (1) Yoke holder mts. <yugandhara [among the gser gyi ri bdun, 1 of 7 rings of mountains surrounding the four continents] nyi zla 'char sa'i rtse mo na rock like the yoke of a chariot, ngos su dpag tsad 320,000 &, mtha' skor du 1,280,000]; 2) (met) chariot))
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/4756 + (1) [['dul ba'i brgyud]]. 2) [[gsang sngags kyi brgyud]] 3) [[rgya chen spyod brgyud]] 4) [[zab mo lta brgyud]] 5) [[snying po don brgyud]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/23803 + (1) [[gsang ba, gsangs pa, gsang ba, gsongs]] trans. v.; 2) hidden; ft. of [[gsang ba]]; secret, innermost, secret aspect; mystery; hidden)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/26395 + (1) [[gzhi lhun grub tu 'dod pa'i lugs]]. 2) [[gzhi ma nges par]] 3) [[gzhi nges pa don kyi dongs gzhir]] 4) [[gzhi cir yang bsgyur du btub par]] 5) [[gzhi cir yang khas blang du btub pa]] 6) [[gzhi sna tshogs su]] 7) [[gzhi ka dag tu]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/26844 + (1) [[nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched]]. 2) [[rnam shes mtha' yas skye ched]] 3) [[ci yang med pa'i yas skye ched]] 4) [['du shes med 'du shes med min]])