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A list of all pages that have property "english-def" with value "chakravartin/ universal emperor, [Rwheels ruling the beings of the four continents syn: kun dbang dang, gnam bskos, ma lus rgyal po, mi yi lha, yang dag rgyal po, lhag pa'i dbang phyug]". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/712  + ('bar khams town/region [R] ; 1) 'bar khams town [in rnga ba region a seat of government; 2) 'bar khams dzong)/ [in si khron great region rnga ba in central Tibet and above rgyal rong rgyal mo rngul chu])
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/27548  + ('di dang phyi ma)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/18619  + ('dul ba gzhi bcu bdun gyi spyi don thub bs'dul ba gzhi bcu bdun gyi spyi don thub bstan gser gyi rgyal mtshan mdzes par byed pa'i legs bshad nor bu'i phreng ba and spyir bstan gyi don rnam par bshad pa 'dul gzhung mdzes pa'i rgyan phreng} exegeses of the Tibetan literature on monastic discipline (Vinaya) - written by [[thub bstan chos grags]][[thub bstan chos grags]])
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/22132  + ('gog pa dang lam, cessation and path)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/27513  + ('gro ba rigs drug bar srid dang bdun / 'dod khams kyi 'gro ba lnga, gzugs khams dang gzugs med khams)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/17739  + ('gro ba'i dpung gnyen du skyes pa - the last resort of beings)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/735  + ('limited vow'; Mipham Rinpoche: [[dus ji 'dod zhig tu dge ba'am mi dge ba gang yin la 'jug pa thob pa ste, dper na zla ba gcig gi bar du zas ma zos gong du sangs rgyas la phyag 'tshal bar byed do snyam pa lta bu zla gcig gi bar du dge ba'i sdom pa thob pa dang, yang zla gcig gi bar du log par g.yem par bya'o snyam du dam bcas pas thob pa mi dge ba lta bu'o]]'limited vow'; Mipham Rinpoche: [[dus ji 'dod zhig tu dge ba'am mi dge ba gang yin la 'jug pa thob pa ste, dper na zla ba gcig gi bar du zas ma zos gong du sangs rgyas la phyag 'tshal bar byed do snyam pa lta bu zla gcig gi bar du dge ba'i sdom pa thob pa dang, yang zla gcig gi bar du log par g.yem par bya'o snyam du dam bcas pas thob pa mi dge ba lta bu'o]] The 'Limited vow' is obtained [by pledging] to engage in either virtue or nonvirtue for a certain chosen duration. For example, by thinking: "For one month, I will pay homage to the Buddha before taking my meal," one obtains a virtuous vow for the duration of one month. Or, by deciding, "For one month, I will engage in sexual misconduct," you obtain the unvirtuous [vow].conduct," you obtain the unvirtuous [vow].)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/5967  + ('obscuring and indeterminate' [['dod khams 'dir 'jig lta dang mthar lta de gnyis dang lhan cig pa'i ma rig pa ni, bsgrib la lung ma bstan yin]]'obscuring and indeterminate' [['dod khams 'dir 'jig lta dang mthar lta de gnyis dang lhan cig pa'i ma rig pa ni, bsgrib la lung ma bstan yin]] In the desire realms, the belief in the transitory [collection], the belief that [upholds] extremes and the ignorance co-existing with these two is 'obscuring and indeterminate'.hese two is 'obscuring and indeterminate'.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/6169  + ('phags pa klu sgrub kyi rtogs brjod mdor bsdus - commentary on the suhrIllekha of Nagarjuna with a brief biography ; by ngag gi dbang phyug dge legs rgya mtsho'i sde.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/29725  + ('scattered animals' [[phal cher sa chu shing sogs dang lha mi klu yi gnas sogs na gnas]] live mostly on the earth, in water, in trees, and in the realms of the gods, humans and nagas)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/5583  + ('the eight faults of dhyana [of the desire'the eight faults of dhyana [of the desire realm beings and those below the level of dhyana. 1) the suffering of existing in the desire realm 'dod pa na yod pa'i sdug bsngal dang, 2) unhappy mind yid mi bde ba dang, 3) bsam gtan dang po la yod pa'i rtog pa dang concepts in the first dhyana, 4) and scrutiny dpyod pa dang, 5) existing below the second bliss or joy gnyis pa man chad du yod pa'i yid bde'am dga' ba dang, 6) existing below the third gsum pa man chad na yod pa'i [[dbugs 'byung ba]],7) [[rngub pa]] 8 and the bliss of the third bde ba, gsum pa'i bde ba bcas so,// OR. the eight faults of meditation/ dhyana (if one is not moved by change producing joy and sorrow, one is called immovble [[mi gyo ba]] zhes bya ste/ rtog dpyod gnyis/ dbugs dbyung rngub gnyis/ bde sdug gnyis/ yid bde yid mi bde gnyis te brgyad do]is/ yid bde yid mi bde gnyis te brgyad do])
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/thabs gcig  + (( . . . dang) thabs gcig - (to be) congruent/ consistent with . . .)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/11448  + (('chu ba, bcus pa, bcu ba, chus) 1) [[snod spyad kyis len pa]]('chu ba, bcus pa, bcu ba, chus) 1) [[snod spyad kyis len pa]] to take/ collect by means of a container, to draw / take/ bring water (from a well or spring). [[zangs skyogs kyis chu bcus pa]] to carry water with a large copper ladle. 2) [[lto za 'dod ki 'dun pa nyams pa]]. [[yi ga 'chu ba]] loss of appetite. 3) (rnying) [['phrog pa]] to seize, plunder, take away by force". [[dbang gis 'chu ba]] to seize by force. 4) (p. 'chus) to be twisted, distorted.e. 4) (p. 'chus) to be twisted, distorted.)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/rnam pa mthun pa  + ((. . . dang) rnam pa mthun pa - of like manifestation/ expression; to accord/ be in harmony (in form/ expression) with . . . ; conforming with . . .)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/27358  + ((1597-ca. 1662) - ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams - alias [[ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams grags pa rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po]])
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/3965  + ((b. 1775) - alias [[mi pham chos kyi dbang phyug]])
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/cha sbyor  + ((dang) cha sbyor/ sbyar ba - to correspond (to))
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/chos mthun pa  + ((dang) chos mthun pa - analogous/ comparable/ equivalent (to); conforming (to))
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/ldog pa  + ((specific) facet/ attribute/ aspect; differentiating factor/ attribute; to undermine/ refute/ reverse/ disprove; to eliminate; . . . dang ldog pa - specifically (with respect to . . . ) [?])
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/20481  + ((tha dad pa bcar ba, gcar ba, gcor,, 1 reach the shore/ bank. approach near; 2) 'Tshir ba dang brdungs te 'joms pa,...Sgo nga bcar te bcag pa,...Rnag bcar te bton pa,... spread, scatter, disperse)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/25128  + ((tha dad pa) gtses pa, gtse ba, gtses,, [w(tha dad pa) gtses pa, gtse ba, gtses,, [will] harm, be hurt, damaged, discourage [sun par byed pa,...Rgyal khab kyi bde 'jags la gtses pa'i nyes pa,...Mi dmangs kyi khe phan la gtse ba'i log spyod pa,...Ra lug la spyang kis gtse ba,...Tshig rtsub kyis mi'i sems gtse]tse ba,...Tshig rtsub kyis mi'i sems gtse])
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/5026  + ((tha dad pa,; 1) forcefully gtong ba,...Brnyas che na ngo rgol che,...Phru gu la brnyas na mi 'grig...Rgyal khab chen pos rgyal khab chung ba la brnyas pa,...2 past: [[rnya ba]])
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/gnyis su med  + ((verb) dang ma (verb) gnyis su med - there is no question of whether or not . . .)
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/19100  + ((verb)-dus - when. at the point that. once(verb)-dus - when. at the point that. once.; 1) time, period of time, season, age, period, occasion, timely. 2) [vb.+--] at the time of, while, when. temporal sequence. day, date; age, aeon; time, moment; time, season, age, period, occasion; timely; time; temporal relationship; when. Syn [[tshe]]. 3) Time, as one of the ten non-concurrent formations. Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: [[rgyu dang 'bras bu byung nas 'gags pa 'das pa dang, ma byung ba ni ma 'ongs pa dang, byung ba ma 'gag pa ni da ltar ba'o,]]rgyu dang 'bras bu byung nas 'gags pa 'das pa dang, ma byung ba ni ma 'ongs pa dang, byung ba ma 'gag pa ni da ltar ba'o,]])
  • Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/'dra ba  + (. . . (dang) 'dra ba - similar/ analogous to . . . ; approximation of . . . ; comparable to . . . ; - what is, in effect, . . .)