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- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/3215 + ({C}cognize; cognizes; cognized; known; knows; knowing; knows, in his wisdom; knows wisely; comprehends)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5050 + ({C}conducive to weakness in wisdom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/4040 + ({C}exercise of wisdom; wisely knowing)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5058 + ({C}extensive wisdom; vast wisdom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5051 + ({C}gifted with wisdom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/2933 + ({C}highest (possible state of perfection); heights; foremost)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5056 + ({C}keen wisdom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/4689 + ({C}obtained; understood; able to make progress; penetrated to; penetrates to; penetration; time; epoch; re-union; sacrament; understanding; recognition; wake up to; reach understanding; investigation; wisdom; insight)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/3618 + ({C}penetrating wisdom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/6544 + ({C}perfect wisdom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/6499 + ({C}perfect wisdom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5052 + ({C}perfect wisdom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/3822 + ({C}perfection)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/3819 + ({C}perfection)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/4129 + ({C}perfection)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/3826 + ({C}perfection of all training)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5053 + ({C}skilled in wisdom(?))
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/2936 + ({C}the highest (possible degree of perfection); superiority; highest possible state; heights; foremost; in the first rank)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5055 + ({C}unequalled in wisdom)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5049 + ({C}weak in wisdom; essentially stupid)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5048 + ({C}weak in wisdom; stupid(ity))
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/715 + ({C}wisdom; understanding)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/Hopkins Others' English 2015/5030 + ({C}wisely knows; knows, in his wisdom; comprehends wisdom; wise cognition; is aware; becomes aware of; be aware of; known; discerned; follow; sagacity; known; cognized; is declared)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/01-Hopkins2015/16544 + (Āryadeva's Compendium of the Essence of Wisdom(BJ 50.3))
- Steinert App Dictionaries/01-Hopkins2015/9911 + (Āryavimuktisena’s Illumination of the Twenty-five Thousand Stanza Perfection of Wisdom Sūtra)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/01-Hopkins2015/10089 + (the sixth perfection [i.e. the perfection of wisdom]; (T) all six perfections)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/10-RichardBarron/'byed med shes rab + ((one of the shes rab lnga) inalienable sublime knowing/ wisdom/ transcendent knowlege; profound knowing/ wisdom/ transcendent knowledge that cannot be fragmented)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/17375 + (1) blazing w brilliance/ splendor or perfection, rising glory; 2) torch w oil-soaked cloth, grass, wood; 3) dpal 'bar Rdzong [in NE Tibet and above the rgyal mo rngul chu, ruled from rdo dmar thang], torchlight)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/17376 + (1) blazing w brilliance/ splendor or perfection, rising glory; 2) torch w oil-soaked cloth, grass, wood; 3) dpal 'bar Rdzong *, torchlight)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/13337 + (1) center, middle; 2) madhyamaka [middle w … 1) center, middle; 2) madhyamaka [middle way school, discarding worldly extremes]; 3) central channel [support of all other nadis, without extremes of L R etc going straight up the middle, light blue, place of indivisible prajna and upaya and wisdom wind moving, avadhuti, [[su su ma]] [[kun 'dar ma]]; 4) one of the gzhung bka' pod lnga teaching emptinesshe gzhung bka' pod lnga teaching emptiness)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/6492 + (1) development and completion [stages]. utpatti and sampannakrama. 2) two stages of a process of contemplation. 4) utpatti and sampannakrama; the Generation Process and the Perfection Process)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/6503 + (1) development. 2) completion 3) great perfection)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/1401 + (1) mahasukha, great bliss; 2) Dechen; 1) D … 1) mahasukha, great bliss; 2) Dechen; 1) De chen [ruled by stag rtze rdzong 2) region in NW Yun Nan great region where it meets si khron great region sa cha 'dabs 'brel yin, gzhogs E is the 'bri chu and W the zla chu rivers. In the region are 'jol, 'ba' lung and rgyal thang, 3) rdzong khag ruled by rgyal thang; mahasukha = the bliss of co-emergent wisdom]hasukha = the bliss of co-emergent wisdom])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/3338 + (1) mind, understanding, intellect, [when s … 1) mind, understanding, intellect, [when same as [[blo gros]] intelligence, cognition. 2) the reasoning, rational mind function. 3) conceptual mind, mental states, four types of cognition. 4) concept, idea. 5) conceptualization, [subtle thought activity]. 6) cognition, cognitive act. 7) wisdom, intelligence, [[blo gros]]. 8) plan, concern, scheme, inclination, ambition, desire. 9) awareness [of an object]. 10) ordinary, concerning the concern, plan. idea; ordinary rational consciousness/ mind; mind, thought, attitudensciousness/ mind; mind, thought, attitude)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/14962 + (1) to think, to consider (h). 2) n. insight, reflection, intention, consideration, understanding, vision, thought, mind, wisdom, realization, reflect, understand, intend, give thought, care for, thought, regarding. 3) realized, knew. 4) died)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/16936 + (1) work, action, project; 2) benefit, welf … 1) work, action, project; 2) benefit, welfare [R]; 2) meaning, sense, significance; 3) reality, truth, actuality; 4) purpose, reason, objective, result; 5) [grasped external/ sense object, perceptible thing (6) particle for 70s #s [R] (7) Nang khrol zhig (8) knowledge, knowing, fact (9) identity, topic, subject, aspect, category, classification (10) output, value [accomplishment, worth, inner [organs], actions, objective, four applications of mindfulness, nature of wisdom devoid of words, part plus (in numbers] (11) message (12) ultimate, absolute (13) go/ come out, emit, give off, send out, flow, [[thon]][[thon]])
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/3381 + (1738-1780 - Sixth Panchen Lama, Lobsang Palden Yeshe, 456)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/02-RangjungYeshe/27147 + (1901-1956; master of [[bon gsar]] the sixth kun grol grags pa})
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/zla ba grags pa + (<p>(c. sixth century). The most impo … <p>(c. sixth century). The most important Mādhyamika philosopher after Nāgārjuna and Āryadeva, he refined the philosophical methods of the school to such a degree that later members of the tradition considered him one of the highest authorities on the subject of the profound nature of reality.</p><p>A prominent seventh-century master of the Madhyamaka (Middle Way) tradition.</p><p>The famed seventh-century Indian Buddhist master known most for his Madhyamaka treatises commenting on the works of the second- to third-century master Nāgārjuna. In Tibet, where Candrakīrti's exegetical writings form the foundation for the study of Indian Madhyamaka thought, he is celebrated as a proponent of the Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka approach in particular.</p> as a proponent of the Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka approach in particular.</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/'od srung + (<p>1) Close disciple of the Buddha; … <p>1) Close disciple of the Buddha; 2) Sixth of the seven buddhas of the past, and third in this kalpa.</p><p>In Mahāyāna, a buddha who preceded the Buddha Śākyamuni.</p><p>One of the Buddha's principal pupils, who became the Buddha's successor on his passing. Also the name of the Buddha who preceded Śākyamuni.</p><p>One of the Buddha's principal pupils, who became the Buddha's successor on his passing. Also the name of the preceding Buddha, the third in this eon, with Śākyamuni as the fourth. Also one of the seven great rishis of ancient India at the origin of Vedic culture. He is portrayed in this sūtra as coming to make offerings to the Buddha along with the other great rishis.</p><p>One of the six buddhas who preceded Śākyamuni in this Fortunate Eon. Also the name of the one of the Buddha's principal pupils.</p><p>Same as Mahākāśyapa.</p><p>See "Mahākāśyapa."</p><p>The sixth of the "seven previous buddhas."</p>;<p>Same as Mahākāśyapa.</p><p>See "Mahākāśyapa."</p><p>The sixth of the "seven previous buddhas."</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/pha rol tu phyin pa drug + (<p>A bodhisattva's practices of givi … <p>A bodhisattva's practices of giving, ethical discipline, forbearance, perseverence, meditative concentration, and wisdom. To qualify as perfections, those practices must be motivated by bodhicitta−the mind of enlightenment—and embraced with an understanding of emptiness.</p><p>The practice of the six transcendent perfections, comprising generosity, ethical discipline, tolerance, perseverance, meditative concentration, and wisdom or discriminative awareness, is the foundation of the entire bodhisattva's way of life. These six are known as "transcendent perfections" when they are motivated by an altruistic intention to attain full enlightenment for the sake of all beings, when they are undertaken within a sixfold combination of all the perfections, and when they are performed with an awareness of the emptiness of the agent, the object, and their interaction. See <br> (See also note</p><p>The six are generosity, morality, patience, diligence, concentration, and wisdom.</p><p>The trainings of the bodhisattva path: generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and knowledge.</p>attva path: generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and knowledge.</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/rig pa dang zhabs su ldan pa + (<p>A common description of buddhas. … <p>A common description of buddhas. According to some explanations, "wisdom" refers to awakening, and "conduct" to the three trainings ({bslab pa gsum}) by means of which a buddha attains that awakening; according to others, "wisdom" refers to right view, and "conduct" to the other seven elements of the eightfold path.</p> other seven elements of the eightfold path.</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/rab 'byor + (<p>A foremost pupil of the Buddha, k … <p>A foremost pupil of the Buddha, known for his wisdom.</p><p>Disciple noted for his profound concentration on voidness; as interlocutor of the Buddha, a major figure in the Prajñāpāramitāsūtras. See also</p><p>Elder.</p><p>One of the closest disciples of the Buddha.</p>gt;<p>Elder.</p><p>One of the closest disciples of the Buddha.</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/'jam dpal + (<p>A great bodhisattva, one of the e … <p>A great bodhisattva, one of the eight "close sons" of the Buddha, the embodiment of wisdom.</p><p>Bodhisattva of wisdom.</p><p>Bodhisattva.</p><p>Name of a bodhisattva, "Beautiful Glory, Lovely Splendor."</p><p>The bodhisattva who is considered the embodiment of wisdom. Also called "Mañjusvara" and "Mañjuśrī Kumārabhūta."</p><p>The bodhisattva who is considered the embodiment of wisdom. Also known as Mañjuśrī Kumārabhūta, Mañjughoṣa or Pañcaśikha.</p><p>The deified bodhisattva of wisdom; one of the original sixteen bodhisattvas.</p><p>The eternally youthful crown prince (kumārabhūta), so called because of his special identification with the Prajñāpāramitā, or Transcendence of Wisdom. He is the only member of the Buddha's retinue who volunteers to visit Vimalakīrti, and he serves as Vimalakīrti's principal interlocutor throughout the sūtra. Traditionally regarded as the wisest of bodhisattvas, in Tibetan tradition he is known as {rgyal ba'i yab gcig}, the "sole father of buddhas," as he inspires them in their realization of the profound. He is represented as bearing the sword of wisdom in his right hand and a volume of the Prajñāpāramitāsūtra in his left. He is always youthful in appearance, like a boy of sixteen. <br> Mañjuśrī, the crown prince <br> crown prince Mañjuśrī <br> crown, prince Mañjuśrī <br> Mañjuśrīkumārabhūta</p> boy of sixteen. <br> Mañjuśrī, the crown prince <br> crown prince Mañjuśrī <br> crown, prince Mañjuśrī <br> Mañjuśrīkumārabhūta</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/shes rab + (<p>A mind that sees the ultimate tru … <p>A mind that sees the ultimate truth directly.</p><p>Also translated here as "wisdom." See glossary entry.</p><p>In specific contexts, it refers also to the female partner in sexual yoga.</p><p>In the context of the transcendent perfections, wisdom is the sixth of the six transcendent perfections. <br> The translation of prajñā ({shes rab}) by "wisdom" here defers to the precedent established by Edward Conze in his writings. It has a certain poetic resonance which more accurate renderings—"discernment,", "discriminative awareness," or "intelligence"—unfortunately lack. It should be remembered that in Abhidharma, prajñā is classed as one of the five object-determining mental states (pañcaviṣayaniyata, {yul nges lnga}), alongside "will," "resolve," "mindfulness," and "meditative stability." Following Asaṅga's Abhidharmasamuccaya, Jamgon Kongtrul (TOK, Book 6, Pt. 2, p. 498), defines prajñā as "the discriminative awareness that analyzes specific and general characteristics." Therefore "wisdom" in this context is to be understood in the cognitive or analytical Germanic sense of witan or weis (Dayal 1932: 136) and not as an abstract "body of knowledge," or in any aloof and mysterious theosophical sense. Nor indeed is there any association with the Greek sophia. <br> Also translated here as "discriminative awareness."</p>iation with the Greek sophia. <br> Also translated here as "discriminative awareness."</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/seng ge + (<p>A past and future buddha.</p><p>Name of a tathāgata.</p><p>The bodhisattva who will become sixth buddha of the fortunate eon.</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/pha rol tu phyin pa + (<p>A set of practices to be complete … <p>A set of practices to be completely mastered (until one reaches their "other shore") for those on the bodhisattva path. They are listed as either six or ten.</p><p>Also translated as "transcendences." The term is used to define the actions of a bodhisattva. The six perfections are: generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration and wisdom.</p><p>See "six transcendent perfections."</p><p>To have transcended or crossed to the other side; typically refers to the practices of the bodhisattvas, which are embraced with knowledge.</p> refers to the practices of the bodhisattvas, which are embraced with knowledge.</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/phyag rgya chen po + (<p>A very advanced practice that combines wisdom and means.</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/thabs + (<p>Also refers to the male partner i … <p>Also refers to the male partner in sexual yoga.</p><p>The concept of skillful means is central to the understanding of the Buddha's enlightened deeds and the many scriptures which are revealed contingent to the needs, interests, and mental dispositions of specific types of individuals. According to the Great Vehicle, training in skillful means collectively denotes the first five of the six transcendent perfections when integrated with wisdom, the sixth transcendent perfection, to form a union of discriminative awareness and means.</p><p>The skillful acts of a bodhisattva for the benefit of others.</p><p>This is the expression in action of the great compassion of the Buddha and the bodhisattvas—physical, verbal, and mental. It follows that one empathetically aware of the troubles of living beings would, for his very survival, devise the most potent and efficacious techniques possible to remove those troubles, and the troubles of living beings are removed effectively only when they reach liberation. "Art" was chosen over the usual "method" and "means" because it has a stronger connotation of efficacy in our technological world; also, in Buddhism, liberative art is identified with the extreme of power, energy, and efficacy, as symbolized in the vajra (adamantine scepter): The importance of this term is highlighted in this sūtra by the fact that Vimalakīrti himself is introduced in the chapter entitled "Inconceivable Skill in Liberative Art"; this indicates that he, as a function of the nirmāṇakāya (incarnation-body), just like the Buddha himself, is the very incarnation of liberative art, and every act of his life is therefore a technique for the development and liberation of living beings. The "liberative" part of the translation follows "salvifique" in Lamotte's phrase "moyens salvifique."</p>of the translation follows "salvifique" in Lamotte's phrase "moyens salvifique."</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/byang chub kyi yan lag + (<p>Also rendered here as "branches o … <p>Also rendered here as "branches of genuine enlightenment." See "seven branches of enlightenment." <br> branch of enlightenment <br> branches of genuine enlightenment <br> branch of genuine enlightenment</p><p>Mindfulness, discrimination, diligence, joy, pliability, absorption, and equanimity.</p><p>See "seven limbs of awakening."</p><p>The branches of, respectively, (1) authentic mindfulness; (2) authentic discrimination of dharmas; (3) authentic perseverance; (4) authentic joy; (5) authentic serenity; (6) authentic meditative absorption; and (7) authentic equanimity.</p><p>The seven aspects of enlightenment are: mindfulness, analysis of phenomena, diligence, joy, tranquility, samādhi, and equanimity.</p><p>There are seven limbs of enlightenment: correct mindfulness, correct wisdom of the analysis of phenomena, correct diligence, correct joy, correct serenity, correct samādhi, and correct equanimity.</p>m of the analysis of phenomena, correct diligence, correct joy, correct serenity, correct samādhi, and correct equanimity.</p>)
- Steinert App Dictionaries/44-84000Definitions/dngos grub + (<p>An accomplishment that is the goal of sādhana practice; a supernatural power or ability.</p><p>An accomplishment that is the goal of sādhana.</p><p>The mundane and transcendent abilities that are conferred through the perfection of yogic practices.</p>)