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mthong chos myong 'gyur gyi las
'Karma experienced within this life'; Mipham Rinpoche: [[tshe de la byas pa'i las stobs ldan tshe de nyid du smin pa rnams ste, byams pa'i ting nge 'dzin dang, nyon mongs med pa'i ting nge 'dzin dang, 'gog snyoms dang, 'bras bu bzhi po thob pa las lang ma thag pa la phan gnod byed pa, sangs rgyas dang dge 'dun la bya ba byas pa sogs zhing dang bsam pa drag po dang las stobs ldan byas pa 'ga' zhig lta bu'o]] 'Karma experienced within this life' is a powerful action committed in this lifetime, which ripens within this very life. [Such actions are], for example, to help or harm someone immediately upon their emergence from the samadhi of loving kindness, the samadhi free from disturbing emotions, the serenity of cessation or from the attainment of the four results; to commit certain powerful actions, with a significant frame of mind, towards a formidable object, such as serving the Buddha or the Sangha.

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