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nges 'byung
I) Skt: nihsarana; renunciation, [definite] resolution; certainty of release (from cyclic existence); repentance; 1) renunciation. 2) definite emergence. Escape from the world, in that one understands so well the faults of even the best of samsaric life that it arouses no attachment in one. Among the 16 aspects of the four truths: Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: slar mi ldog par song bas rtag pa dang don dam par dge bas gzhan la phan pa'i gzhi yin pa'i mtshan nyid can 3) authentic becoming. 4) Syn nges byung par 'byung ba 4) leaning home. II) hams gsum btson ra dang 'dra ba nas thar ching mya ngan las 'das pa'i gnas bde bar phyin pa ste/ 'khor ba'i gnas mtha' dag las thar bar 'dod pa'i sems/ bden bzhi mi rtag sogs bcu drug gi nang gses shig "liberation from the three realms, which are like a prison, and the state of having progressed to the blissful state of passing beyond suffering; a mind that desires liberation from all of the state of samsara; one of 16 [factors] of the four [Noble] Truths."

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