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skyel ba
I) RJY: skyel ba, bskyal ba, bskyal ba, skyol trans. v.: 1) to bring, to conduct to, guide, accompany, escort. 2) send, transport, take to, deliver, convey, bring, bear, carry, move, trade. 3) to injure, harm, to do harm, to hurt, inflict an injury; to play a trick, to cause trouble. 4) to spend / pass time, live one's life. 5) to swear, take an oath. 6) to rely on, depend on. 7) to send off, to see off, to see someone off on a journey; take away. 8) to risk. 9) to use, to employ. 10) to stake, to spend, to play. 11) provisions. II) 1) va. to deliver. Å khyim sdod bud med tshor dpe deb dang tshag spar skyel gyi yod par red, (They) deliver goods and newspapers to the housewives. 2) va. to carry/bring, move. Å khang pa gsar par nang chas skyel rogs byas pa red, They helped (them) to carry the furniture to the new house. 3) va. to see off. Å kho tsho thon skabs gnam thang bar skyel bar phyin pa red, When they left (he) went to the airport to see them off. 4) va. to put into. Å lam seng kho sman khang da bskyal ba red, (They) put him into the hospital immediately. 5) va. to pass time, to live one's life. Å khos mi tshe mang ba rgya gar la bskyal ba red, He lived most of his life in India. 6) bh. va. to send (letters). 7) va. to harm, to cause trouble. Å rtag tu gnod pa ma skyel cig, Don't cause trouble all the time. III) Das, 111: 1) skyel ba, bskyal ba, bskyal ba, skyol a) to carry, to take away. b) to send, e.g., clothes to somebody. c) to risk, to stake (one's life, rang srog). d) to use, employ. 2) skyel ba, bskyel ba, bskyel ba, skyol. to conduct; accompany. IV CM, 160: skyel ba, bskyal ba, bskyal ba, skyol tha dad pa: 1) sa gnas gzhan du gtong ba. Å sku mgron skyel ba,. Å phebs skyel, "seeing [someone] off." Å gshegs skyel. 2) dbor ba'am 'dren pa, "to transport or guide/lead" (N.B. Acc. to RJY, dbor 'dren means "transport). Å 'gro chas bskyal, "to transport travel provisions."? Å tshong zog skyel ba, to transport goods/wares. Å nang gtam phyir skyel. Å lan skyel. Å thung skyel. Å ri rdo klungs skyel. 3) byed pa'am lag len bstar ba, to do or to put into practice. Å kha skyel. Å mna' bskyal. Å gnod bskyal. Å gnod pa spu tsam yang mi skyel. 4) yol bar byed pa, to elapse/pass (for time). Å don med dus bskyal, "to pass time meaninglessly/to waste time"? mi tshe don dang ldan par bskyal, "to spend a human life meaningfully"? za ma rgyags tshad bzas nas nyi ma skyel

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