From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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thub pa
1) (Tha mi dad pa) able to deal w/ withstand,, be a match for [Ngan dgu thub pa.Nyon mongs thub pa.Ras rkyang thub pa.Chu thub pa.Me thub pa.Dug gis mi thub pa]; 2) Muni, sage, [cap]able/ wise 1, buddha [sgo gsum mi dge ba dang nyon mongs pa las yang dag par bsdams pa]; 3) conquerer, Victors, get the better of; 4) 7 [Rnam gzigs dang, gtsug tor can, thams cad skyob, 'khor ba 'jig gser thub, 'od srung, sh'akya thub pa ste thub pa la bdun yod pas grangs bdun mtson]; 3) be able to [Dgra bo 'joms thub pa.Grogs po la btsan gnod byung tse rang nyid ltad mo lta ba ltar logs su sdod mi thub] [Tse]

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