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'byor pa bcu
ten riches; Mipham Rinpoche: [[rang mir gyur, dbang po tshang, chos dar ba'i yul dbus skyes, las kyi mtha' ma log pa, dad pa yod pa ste rang 'byor lnga, sangs rgyas 'jig rten du byon, chos gsung, bstan pa gnas, de la 'jug pa yod, chos ston pa yod pa ste gzhan 'byor lnga bcas, 'byor pa bcu'o]] The 'five riches from oneself' are to be a human being, to possess intact faculties, to have been born in a central land where the teachings flourish, to engage in unmistaken activities, and to possess faith. The 'five riches from others' are that a buddha appeared in the world, that he taught the Dharma, that the doctrine remains, that there are people who follow it and that there are Dharma teachers.

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