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khrel yod pa
Comment: This is one of the eleven virtuous mental factors (sems byung dge ba, kuzalacaitta): (1) faith (dad pa, zraddhA); (2) shame (ngo tsha shes pa, hrI); (3) embarrassment (khrel yod pa, apatrApya); (4) non-attachment (ma chags pa, alobha); (5) non-hatred (zhe sdang med pa, adveSa); (6) non-ignorance (gti mug med pa, amoha); (7) effort (brtson 'grus, vIrya); (8) pliancy (shin tu sbyangs pa, prasrabdhi); (9) conscientiousness (bag yod pa, apramAda); (10) equanimity (btang snyoms, upekSA); (11) non-harmfulness (rnam par mi 'tshe ba, avihiMsA). Embarassment (khrel yod pa) is an avoidance of faults from the viewpoint of another's disapproval and thus involves a concern for others' opinions, whereas ngo tsha (shame) is an avoidance of faults from the viewpoint of one's own disapproval (i.e., self-image) or of religious prohibition.

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