bsam gtan

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bsam gtan

Four levels of meditation within the Form Realm.
See also note

Generally one of the synonyms for meditation, referring to a state of mental stability. The specific four dhyānas are four successively subtler states of meditation that are said to lead to rebirth into the corresponding four levels of the form realm, which are composed of seventeen paradises.

Literally "stability of mind," denotes specific levels of concentration attained by the sustained practice of calm abiding (śamatha).

Meditative concentration is defined as the one-pointed abiding in an undistracted state of mind free from afflicted mental states. It is an advanced form of calm abiding, where often both calm abiding and penetrative insight may be present in perfect union. Four states of meditative concentration are identified as being conducive to birth within the world system of form, each of which has three phases of intensity. However, in the context‌ of the Great Vehicle, meditative concentration is the fifth of the six transcendent perfections. See also "four meditative concentrations" and

One of the synonyms for meditation, referring to a state of mental stability.

One-pointed concentration in which the mind is undistracted and untainted by the afflictions.

See "absorption."

Sometimes translated as "absorption" or "meditative absorption," this is one of several similar but specific terms for particualr states of mind to be cultivated. Dhyāna is the term often used in the context of eight successive stages, four of form and four formless.

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