mi dmigs pa
- mi dmigs pa
This refers to the mental openness cultivated by the bodhisattva who has reached a certain awareness of the nature of reality, in that he does not seek to perceive or apprehend any object or grasp any substance in anything; rather, he removes any static pretension of his mind to have grasped at any truth, conviction, or view (see also "incomprehensibility").
(See also http://read.84000.co/translation/UT22084-060-005.html#UT22084-060-005-986).This refers to the ultimate nature of things, which cannot be comprehended, grasped, etc., by the ordinary, conditioned, subjective mind. Hence it is significant that the realization of this nature is not couched in terms of understanding, or conviction, but in terms of tolerance (kṣānti, see "tolerance"), as the grasping mind cannot grasp its ultimate inability to grasp; it can only cultivate its tolerance of that inability.
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