
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: 'grol KYT, KYN, TD, LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC. dgrol LZ.
Past: bkrol KYT, KYN, DK, DS, TC. bkrold TD, LZ, ND.
Future: dgrol KYT, KYN, TD, LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Imperative: khrol KYT, DS, TC.khrold KYN, LZ, ND, DK. grold TD, LZ.
Voluntary: KYT, KYN, TD, ND, DS, TC, (Hoshi 2003).
Transitive: DS, TC.
Causative of: grol (Chang 1971: vii.18), (Gyurme 1992: 259), (Duff). Resultative of: sgrol [Duff]
Characteristic Example: mdud pa sogs TD,mdud bcings sogs ('grol) LZ,bcings pa sogs (dgrol) LZ, mdud pa khrims ND.
Meaning: To unravel, to make loose, to set free, to unfasten CD. To loosen; to set free from bondage DK. 1. (for a knot, tied rope &c.) To unravel, unwind. 2. (for a higher ranking [person]) To allow, approve DS. 1. To untie, to unravel, to liberate, to release, to unfasten. 2. To comment on, to elucidate TC.

'grol or'grold CD, DK, (Bielmeier 1988: 20)give as the present to grol.


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