
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: bgrong ND.
Past: bgrangs ND. bgrong ND.
Future: bgrang ND.
Imperative: bgrongs NDB. bgrangs NDA. - ND.
Voluntary: ND. Involuntary: ND.
Characteristic Example: grangs su ND.
Note:ND lists this verb twice once as bgrong , bgrong , -, -, and the second time with a textual problem in the imperative bgrong , bgrangs , bgrang , bgrongs / bgrangs. The verb is only given in ND and he gives very ambiguous data. It is possible the involuntary listing, which has no Characteristic Example, I have mis-read for bgrod , bgrod , -, -.


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