
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: gsir CD, DK, DS, TC. bsir TC.
Past: bsir CD, DS, TC. bsird DK.gsird (DK). gsir TC.
Future: bsir DK, DS, TC. gsir (DK), TC.
Imperative: gsird DK. bsir DS, TC. gsir TC.
Voluntary: DS, TC.
Transitive: DS, TC.
Meaning: 1. To whirl about, to twist. 2. (in West) To move by a repeated pushing. 3. To smooth, to make even (with a plane, knife &c.). 4. To slide, glide, slip down a slope (Ja) CD. To shoot out directly, to move suddenly and straight or to move swiftly with whispering sound DK. To turn quickly, to shoot out DS. To turn (gsir) TC. To shoot, throw quickly (bsir)TC.


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