
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: mkhyend LZ. mkhyen CD, DK, DS, TC.
Past: mkhyend LZ, DK.mkhyen [DS], TC.
Future: mkhyen LZ, DK, [DS], TC.
Imperative: mkhyend LZ. mkhyen DK, TC.
Voluntary: TC.Involuntary:(Tournadre & Dorje 2003: 191), (Hoshi 2003).
Transitive: DS, (Skorupski 2001).Intransitive: TC.
Syntax: [Erg. Abs.] (Tournadre & Dorje 2003: 191), (Hackett 2003).
Characteristic Example: dgongs yul du LZ.
Meaning: To know CD. To know, to understand; to comprehend DK. To know, understand, examine DS. (honorific) To know, to comprehend TC.
Note: Root given as mkhyen < *mkhyan < mkhan (Beyer 1992: 84 n. 15).


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